This wacky sci-fi comedy-adventure originally aired in Japan from 1993 to 1994 and was followed by a 10-part original animation video. Justy Ueki Tylor bridges two Japanese traditions: he begins as a common anime type, the... more » endearing dolt, but develops into the drunken, wise fool of Zen parables. As war erupts between Earth and the Raalgon Empire, Tyler enlists in the United Planets Space Force because he wants "an easy life." Through sheer dumb luck, he resolves a hostage crisis involving a venerable admiral and wins a promotion to captain of the Soyokaze, a broken-down battle cruiser manned by a crew of misfits. His bumbling successes bring Tylor to the attention of the 16-year-old Raalgon empress Azalyn and her trusted lieutenant, Captain Ru Baruba Dom: he wins the heart of the former and the respect of the latter, along with the affection of his crew. Although Tylor's adventures are played for laughs and clearly aren't intended to be taken seriously, there are some major holes in the plot. The filmmakers introduce questions and subplots, ranging from a scheme to usurp the throne of Raalgon to the fate of the previous captain of the Soyokaze, that are left unresolved when Tylor and his crew blast off for new adventures. Captain Tylor lacks the no-holds-barred nuttiness of Nadesico but will appeal to fans of comic space adventures. Unrated; suitable for ages 12 and up: sexual humor, minor nudity, violence, alcohol use. --Charles Solomon« less
"With the surprising lack of truely masterful anime on DVD (Giant Robo, Golden Boy, You're Under Arrest) I am surprised this is suddenly released! Tylor is perhaps one of the most engaging Japanese 26 episode series ever. Simply summed up, Tylor is 'Star Blazers' gone wrong. The epic begins with a few very disjointed episodes broad brushing the down and out life of 20 year old Justy Ueki Tylor(Just Awake Tylor) who finds happiness in the mere lazy slumming of any normal burnout kid. After some unique circumstances he finds himself in the space corps. and soon is the Captain of the most heinously unorganized mutineering ship in an otherwise perfect fleet...Tylor was one of the few anime series I tried on a whim and got leashed into so rapidly that I couldn't find the scarce VHS tapes anywhere. From a huge cast of incredible secondary characters and situations on all sides of this military conflict right down to the ridiculously lax attitude of the hedonistic Tylor it is a pure gem of anime's history. The transition of people's perceptions and understanding of warfare and command is really beautiful. Each episode shifts attention to characters and detial very nicely, there are love episodes and action episodes, horror, comedy and tragedy focusing on people of all ages and orientations, reflecting the hopes and potentials of everyone involved and how Tylor works into their lives. Tylor begins the series as the most hated man in the military and ends up being the sacred cow of the universe due to a little bit of smarts, a lot of luck and mostly because of his ability to consistantly be himself(even if that isn't the most appropriate thing to be). A little bit of uh-huh and a whole lot of OH YEAH make this a must have DVD collection."
Soooo Irresponsible
L. Myhan | Seattle, WA | 08/27/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This review is partially a direct review of the series and partially a response to other reviews read here.If you don't like a series that goes over-the-top, you won't like ICT.If you don't like blatant denial of probability and how things actually work, you won't like ICT.If you don't like humerous character stereotypes taken to and beyond the extreme, you won't like ICT.I love this show. I first purchased it used on VHS several years ago from a comic store I had some in-store credit with. Irresponsible Captain Tylor is purposefully and blatantly overboard with its wackiness and characters. I guess it is possible to find this annoying, as at least one reviewer on here did, but this characteristic is really the entire point of the series. Tylor's mind-numbingly constant good luck is not a crappy plot gap, it's a cornerstone of the series, as are the niches filled by the characters around him.There's really nothing in this series you could change to improve it, not because it's the best anime ever (though it's one of my favorites) but because changing it would destroy everything it's trying to be.Probably none of this matters or makes sense to you and you're all going to click the little "this reveiw did not help me at all" button underneath, but as far as I'm concerned, you can't find a better comedy anime than Irresponsible Captain Tylor."
The right mix of everything
Zack Davisson | Seattle, WA, USA | 05/15/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It's pretty hard to categorize "Irresponsible Captain Tylor," just like it is hard to pin down Justy Ueki Tylor himself. As it says on the cover, he is "either a certified genius or a complete fool, but no one can really tell." The series itself is equal parts funny, sad, thought provoking, sweet, romantic and nostalgic. There is nothing unique about these elements other than perhaps the way they all work together to make one of the best anime series I have ever seen. Each of the characters are rounded out and developed, and you just get to LIKE them all so much that it is sad when the last episode plays. Not because anything bad happens to them so much as you will miss them.I consider this series to be on par with Neon Genesis Evangelion in terms of sheer quality. That's a pretty good recommendation."
It's Irresponsible of you to miss this Great Series!!!!!
Matthew Petersen | Hollywood, Florida United States | 05/17/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm not going to go into to much detail with my review. All I would like to say is that The Irresponsible Captain Tylor is a rare type of Anime. Its the kind where you laugh, but at the same time feel that you have come away from it having learned something. Its hard to explain. But what I will say is the world would be a better place if more people had Tylor's attitude.
The series is laugh out loud funny and rich with characters. Sometimes certain characters are left out of the loop and are underused or undercharacterized but its not enough to take away from this series.
The over all story is really enjoyable and the Final battle is very intense, and the victory OUTSTANDING!!!
This series also has one of the most satisfying endings I have ever encountered and left me wishing it never ended (there is the OVA series you can watch after this, a sequel of sorts, to the first series).
The extras on the DVD are wonderful, ships schematics (ALL of them, even ships seen for 2 seconds in the series), character synopsis, music videos, and more.
I recommend this to anyone who wants to watch a good anime series and to people who want to get a taste of what anime has to offer. I highly recommend this to everyone you will not be disapointed!!"
Funny, Interesting... A great anime for a DVD collector
Saurin Shah | San Francisco, CA United States | 08/23/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ever since I saw Tylor in the original japanese with subs on an old VHS cassette, i was hooked. this is not only funny, but a great series for everyone to watch... my wife and I thoroughly enjoy watching this series, because it appeals to everyone... and I would say that I am a pretty committed anime fan, too...its worth adding to your collection"