Truly classic kung fu flick; exceptional in every way | Verona, NJ USA | 10/15/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"A truly superb classic 70s kung fu film. When a kung fu movie starts out during the opening credits with a live animal fighting another live animal on an empty sound stage, followed by the film's stars fighting each other in their signature animal form on the sound stage, while a serious-sounding narrator gives you the history of each animal form --- you know it gotta be good! If you like that truly classic-style flick, buy this video immediately. Chen Kwan Tai is superb, as always. The plot is straightforward and engaging and leaves you in suspense throughout. Spectacular intricate fight sequences are scattered liberally throughout the entire film, from beginnng to end. One of the Kwan Tai's many opponents, I believe, is a Venom.This movie, made in 1977, should not be confused with the altogether different 1993 film of the same name. From my "classic" perspective, this film (the 1977 "original") is far superior. This is one of my favorite kung fu movies of all time. It contains one of my favorite kung fu films lines, uttered by the aging monkey fist master to his new would-be student on the first day of training, "The monkey fist technique is most complex...""
A very good Kung Fu movie with a distinctive style (Hutson) | Thousand Oaks,CA | 05/09/1999
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Fans of Sonny Chiba and Bruce Lee may not find this movie to be their pride and joy,but will probably find it enjoyable nevertheless. Iron Monkey is set in Manchuria, and made by the Eastern Heroes Video Company. This fact alone would usually turn me off, because of the extremely realistic and conservative fight scenes. There is no gore, unlike the Street Fighter, and there is not that certain charm that Bruce Lee gives to his films. But, somehow Iron Monkey finds a way to please a westerner (me) through its original,laid back fight scenes and a very strong ending."
The '78 old-school version
Erik James | 09/11/1999
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is enjoyable unless you bought this expecting the '93 Iron Monkey by Yuen Woo Ping. This Chen Kuan Tai film is good because the fights are really good at the end, and even though the revenge story is cliched, you still root for him getting his revenge on those bad guys all by himself. Worth seeing, but maybe not the old-school classic that many make it out to be."
Monkey vs. Eagle
Erik James | Orono, Me USA | 08/24/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"A great film. Chi Kwan Tai stars as Iron a strong willed rebel boy who sees his family die at the hands of the manchurians. After hiding out he encounters some students at the shaolin temple, where he ends up joining and studying kung fu. After he learns and masters the basics of shaolin kung fu, he is able to choose a style in which he wants to master and specialize in, his decision is Monkey. With the help of an old angry monk he masters the technique. Soon after he joins the manchurian army in order to get closer to those who did his family in. After forcing himself to kill and fight against those who he once fought beside, he earns a chance to move up in rank. Finally he finds his chance to seek revenge. One by one he takes on the evil lords top fighters until he get his chance of redemption Amazing fight scenes and some great styles. The eagle claw, and monkey style like never before. a must have. Look for a young Chi Kwan Chun also as the friend."