Iron Eagle II
timlizwagner | Juneau,Alaska | 12/30/1999
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Good sequel, good story and a little something for just about everyone (dogfighting, cold-war theme, hot-shot flying, good guy/bad guy and even a little romance to spice things up a bit -- Oh, and Sharon Brandon, well -- I'd fly with her!). The only thing it really lacks is authenticity on the enemy fighter planes; so, if you're a fighter plane buff, you'll recognize the enemy planes as good 'ol vietnam era U.S. surplus.Otherwise, if you liked Top Gun, you'll want to see this movie at least once."
The not-so-great follow up to a great movie | Australia | 07/05/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Well, this film was kinda lacking, in that Jason Gedrick's character, Doug Masters, gets blown out of the sky in the first 3 minutes and that he was assigned a crappy callsign. However, the soundtrack was ok, but not as brilliant as the original.. There are more plot holes than the original.. Ever notice how the Russian soldier, ("Lebanov", I think his name was) is the same guy who played a Mid-Eastern bad guy and tortured (read: beat-up) Doug's dad, Colonel Ted Masters in the first movie... Ha! Only true Iron Eagle devotees would notice that one.. you've got to get all four of these movies and sit around with some friends from your school days (let's face it, that's when we had IRON EAGLE in our blood) and get some pizzas and beer and enjoy them all over again!Long Live Chappy Sinclair!"
Good but why does Doug die?
AZ guy | Tucson, AZ USA | 01/30/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I liked this movie -- the action was solid and the plot good enough but I was disappointed that they killed off Doug Masters. Sure he's a showoff punk (as we saw in the first movie) but we all grew to like him and root for him as the first movie progressed, and I think it was a real mistake to kill off the series' main protagonist like no big deal. It seems to me that if the producers could do anything to send the Iron Eagle films down the toilet it was to kill the hero, but other than that I liked this movie. It was as good as 'Firebirds' with Nicolas Cage, but without all the dumb jokes and comments the pilots in that movie made that rendered that film mildly annoying. I would have given Iron Eagle II five stars but killing Doug cost one.
Good Enought to Fly Home With
Dan | Jupiter, FL USA | 12/29/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Well, I liked the film more than TOP GUN, but the one thing that bugged me about the original and this movie was the use of aircraft. In the original movie, the MIG-23s were Israeli IAI Kfir-C3s armed with two 30mm cannons and some very unrealistic looking rockets. Also, the helicopters in the film were not Soviet-bought 'Hinds' as they were stated to be. They were actually surplus US Army AH-1S Cobras. As far as the second film, the MIG-29s were actually surplus USAF F-4F fighters. You'd probably only notice these minor details if you were or are a major aircraft buff like myself, but if not you'll enjoy the movie a lot more. Overall, the movie portrays the US Air Force in a good light and is very well put together."