Invisible Dad 1998 Color 98 minutes Rated PG — Starring: Karen Black, Russ Tamblyn, William Meyers — Doug Baily's dad is weird, but a strange machine in the garage now makes him invisible too! As he vanishes into thin air Mr... more ». Baily's discovers that his secret powers can help him defeat a co-worker with evil plans. But invisibility has its drawbacks when he reappears at very strange moments. It s a roller coaster ride of fun and high jinks before Doug turns his father back to normal to save the day.
He's cute, he's furry and he's completely invisible except to Toby, his 8 year-old best friend. He's Lucky, the Magic Dog. When Toby's evil Aunt Violet tries to steal his inheritance, Lucky fights off two teenage bullies and wrecks her nasty scheme. Only you and Toby can see his invisible friend when Lucky saves the day!
Prince Stories 2007 Color 135 minutes Not Rated
Starring: Hercules, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Moses
Every boy dreams of going on wonderful adventures and no other life is more exciting than that of a fairy tale prince. Whether they are accomplishing incredible feats of strength, fighting for the safety of their friends or standing up for what they believe in, these prince tales show that nobility comes in very different packages. Follow the adventures of our three heroes in Young Hercules, Secrets of the Hunchback and Moses.« less