In a special double episode, our travelers come upon a seaside village where a mysterious woman waits for the one she loves--Inuyasha's half-brother Sesshomaru! Her clever plot to capture Inuyasha's sword Tetsusaiga as a g... more »ift for Sesshomaru revives old memories and bitter feelings.« less
""The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru" is a two-part episode about a young woman (daughter of a daimyo) who falls in love with InuYasha's icy older brother, Sesshomaru. Injured and unable to move, the lordly Sesshomaru is forced to wait out the healing process in the forest at the base of an enormous old tree. During his convalesence, the woman comes across him and is struck to her heart with love for him. When her father finds out that she is going to the forest each day to check on the demon/youkai, he takes a troop of men and attempts to kill the object of her desire. However, even injured, Sesshomaru is a deadly foe and he turns his attackers bullets aside easily. Defeated, the girl's father retreats to the castle and sets it ablaze while the young girl ends up in a nunnery. Years later upon her deathbed, she makes a pact with a hoard of demons so that she may yet have a chance to express her love to Sesshomaru. InuYasha and crew are drawn into her plans and are very nearly made into fetching statuary in the process.
The third episode encompasses the efforts of Miroku (with the help of his long-suffering friends) to fulfill the last wishes of Mushin, the priest who cared for him when his father succumbed to the void of the Kazanaa/Wind Tunnel. Mushin gives the group a long list of things to do which sees InuYasha beating dust out of rugs with Tetsusaiga and Sango and Kagome using their marksmanship skills to do laundry. Later, Hachi, Shippou and Kagome are bespelled into a raucous karaoke session while Sango falls amorously into the arms of InuYasha, begging for the two of them to get away somewhere!! This episode has a lot of comedic bits and humorous situations but ends a little more seriosly when Mushin gives InuYasha some solemn information about the future."
The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru!
MS | NC | 12/20/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Woman Who Love Sesshomaru from Part 8 Episode 133 & 134,
This is one of the touchiest parts about Sesshomaru.
He got injured badly and lost his left arm from the battle with Inuyasha at theirs father's graveyard. He is drawn to Asano Clan Castle during the most turbulent times.
Sarah father's a leader of the Clan, the Asano castle is merely taken over by the opponent and their last hope is to set the castle on fire to buy time for the vassals can find escape...but Sesshomaru showed up and killed the Asano enemies on his way.
That moment Princess Sarah loved at first sight to Sesshomaru, and secretly visits Sesshomaru into the forest where he is resting under the old big tree to allow the injury in his left arm to heal.
Sarah gazed and admiring Sesshomaru from a distance and heard that he wanted Tetsusaiga, Jaken was so upset to Inuyasha for injuring his Lord Sesshomaru and caused to lose his left arm.
Sarah was over joy to learned that the Handsome Aristocratic Demon Names is Sesshomaru and she played a flute and even pick flower for Sesshomaru...but her father cannot allowed his daughter to be stolen by the Demon. So he led to attacked Sesshomaru.
Ironic that he doesn't killed them... Sarah fathers retreated back to the castle but still terrified and gone insane and set his castle on fire including him.
Sarah never feel ill feelings towards Sesshomaru, she blame her father for what happened and called it punishments .She entered the Nunnery to pray for her father and the vassal's soul .She became very ill and few moments before her death Inuyasha came to the village were she lived and she realized she had one regret before she died.
Even tho, Sesshomaru is a cold hearted demon but still there's a woman who loved him, Sarah allowed the apparitions to devour her body and soul in order to express her feelings to Sesshomaru.
She thought that if she stale the Tetsusaiga, Shessomaru will acknowledge her feeling...Sesshomaru usually doesn't care much for human. (But his young mortal companion Rin changes him a lot .)
He is Man of Pride and traveled most of the time to seek and earned a personal power, he doesn't kill for no reason or bother anyone but he is wrathless to those who blocking his way. He's smarter than Inuyasha often serious and doesn't smile a lot, or he only smile if he is about to do something wicked.
He is a formidable Dog Demon and have a poisonous claws and saliva that can melt any bones in no time .But doesn't transformed much to his real demon form...often he appeared as a very handsome formed with silver long hair and golden eyes... almost like human except for those marking in his face.
He often used his poison claw or like lightning power and magic.
He carried the white fur in his shoulder that protect him it can produce lighting or serve like a hand or can transport him. He can't stand to see Inusyasha he believed he is a disgrace into family and he despise him.
He already had his sword but he called it useless since it's a sword of healing,what he doesn't know that his sword protect his life.In one swing the sword can bring back 100 lifes.
He wanted to get his brother sword that can slaughter 100 demons in one swing.,and because
that sword in Inuyasha Possession is a source of their enmity towards its other hostility.
Shessomaru thought that the powerful sword is useless to Inuyasha hands and he want to take possession.
They fought so many battle and surprised in Inuyasha transformation, consulted the Old Demon Tree ( which the 2 fangs was immerse) and he learnt the reason why his father gave the Sword to Protect, to Inuyasha and leaved him the Sword of Healing.
He understand that the Tetsusaiga protect Inuyasha life without it his doom.( both of them doesn't know how to use their sword to serve the purpose and their father want to teach them a lesson)
At the end he developed feelings to his younger brother and lost interest in Tetsusaiga( Inuysha sword) since he got his own sword Tokijin as powerful as Tetsuiga (but cannot use to protect human)
Sarah thought that Sesshomaru wished is to have the Tetsusaiga. It's very long time ago that Sesshomaru wanted to kill Inuyasha and take the sword, and she doesn't realize that Sesshomaru has changed.
The apparition who devoured her is aiming to kill Sesshomaru and absorb his full Demonic Power to become a full and powerful Demon. But Sarah is not totally taken over and she pledge Sesshomaru to destroy her and the terrible demon that possess her.
Sesshomaru wield Tetusaiga to saved Sarah's very touchy and unusually for Sesshomaru character to help a mere mortal...the expression in his face I actually don't call it as a expression of cold hearted...he also have feelings but is not showy...and this Lady Sarah is a real beauty.
This episode it's focusing on Sesshomaru which I loved it since I believed that Sesshomaru is a coolest character in Inusyasha Universe. ( plus David Keye voice is real good.)
Inuyasha story is really awesome.
Its 33 more episodes to go after this 133-134. The Story is from parts 1-9 a total of 167 episodes. It's real cool. The Inuyasha movies 1,2,3,4 it's totally different from TV series set. I got all of the collections and can't stop watching over and over.
I enjoyed watching this with my kids and my money really worth........ and my kids loved this especially my 6 yrs.old daughter was die hard to Sesshomaru.
It's real good to watch from beginning to the end and the story is real awesome.
Highly recommend for anime fans...Inuyasha character is real cool like Kagura etc. anyone who loved anime can truly enjoy.
I don't know you
E. A Solinas | MD USA | 11/04/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you've ever read fanfiction for the "Inuyasha" series, you'll know that lots of people write Mary Sue characters into the plot so they can meet and fall in love with the haughty, aristocratic demon Sesshomaru.
Well, I have the feeling that the writers of the "Inuyasha" anime read some of those stories, and decided to poke fun at them. The result was a surprisingly well-written two-parter, the titular story of "Inuyasha, Vol. 45: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru" -- which has a pretty entertainingly realistic story of Sesshomaru dealing with a demonic stalker, paired with a lighthearted story about the Inuyasha gang doing a lot of housecleaning and drunken brawling.
Sesshomaru is stopped in the woods by a strange young woman named Sara, who claims to be a former princess of Asano Castle, where she saw and first fell in lust with him. Sesshomaru doesn't have the faintest idea who she is or what she's babbling about, but when she claims to want to fulfill his dearest wish, he lets her go ahead and try -- he doesn't really expect her to be up to the task.
In the meantime, Inuyasha and Co. stumble across a young woman about to be devoured a weedy sea god -- and after Inuyasha blasts it apart, the people in the nearby village (plus Miroku and Sango) are petrified. But Inuyasha's efforts to fix everything go horribly awry when the Tetsusaiga is stolen by the young woman (who's Sara, in case you haven't figured it out). But her stalkery obsession with Sesshomaru isn't just based on her crush from Asano castle -- and Sara's got some nasty secrets.
Then the raccoon-dog Hachi appears, with terrible news: Miroku's foster father Mushin is dying. Miroku is understandably devastated, and wants to devote his time to making Mushin's remaining days as comfortable as possible. Cue housecleaning, partying and laundry -- and when all that is covered, Mushin asks them to fetch him the fabled Sake of Sages... except it turns out that the mountain where they can get it has some unusual perils.
Filler episodes are usually mediocre at best, and the serious filler episodes (instead of the lighthearted ones) generally are even worse. Fortunately for fans of the dog-eared boy "Inuyasha, Vol. 45: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru" is actually an exception to the rule -- it has three episodes in a row (one two-parter and one standalone) that are 98% filler, but which are actually well-written.
The first two episodes are packed with plenty of explosive action, collapsing caves bizarre demons (seaweed!), spells and a bundle of unexpected twists near the end. Most of the action is because of Sara's elaborate scheme to steal Tetsusaiga, but the plot revolves around her stalkery fangirl-crush on Sesshomaru. Seriously, the girl sees him outside her castle and claims to have fallen in love with him, to the point of not caring if her crazy dad kills himself because he tried to kill a dangerous demon?
Fortunately things lighten up in the last episode -- there are some poignant moments, but the focus is on the comedic idea of the Inuyasha gang doing housework ("Wooooowww, it's every housewife's dream"). It all dissolves into sheer silliness when they go sake-hunting, with a drunken Sango and Kagome causing trouble for the boys. Plus: garden gnomes!
And though he's being stalked by a crazy half-demon, Sesshomaru thankfully doesn't drop out of character -- it's pretty obvious that shallow stalkery fangirls are not his type, yet he's becoming more merciful and less cruel in his attitude towards others. And the third episode emphasizes both Miroku's frustration with the genial alcoholic Mushin, and the deep affection he has for the old monk who has been like a father to him.
"The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru" seems to be a sly inversion of the usual Mary Sue stories about Sesshomaru, followed by an entertaining story about sake and housecleaning. Far better than the usual filler fare."
WOW!! I'm falling behind!!
Always has her nose in a book | Eagle Creek, OR United States | 08/24/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I bought the entire series all at once in japanese from Ebay about 2 years ago, so I've seen the entire series at least twice. I've totally forgotten to keep checking up on this series, but any and every Inuyasha episode is worth buying!!!"
Sesho | Pasadena, TX USA | 09/17/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Volume 45 of Inuyasha features an hour long "special" that was reminescent in quality of the Inuyasha movies, meaning that while they were watchable and slightly entertaining, they lacked any character development or plot advancement. The hour-long episode focuses almost exclusively on Sesshomaru and a once human but now demon girl that fell in love with him years ago. She happened upon him in the forest shortly after Inuyasha removed his arm during their first battle on one of the early DVD volumes. She fell in love with him at first sight and overheard him mumbling something about getting Inuyasha back and taking the Tetsusaiga from him. Feeling that if she gets the sword for him, Sesshomaru might acknowledge her love, she attacks Inuyasha and his friends. The other episode on the disc concerns the impending death of Miroku's mentor, the alcoholic priest Mushin, whose tragic tale turns into comedy as he guilt trips Miroku, Inuyasha, and the others to do all kinds of last requests, like cleaning the temple, taking him to an inn, and retrieving some divine sake!
Sometimes I feel that after 45 volumes Inuyasha is just sorta dithering around looking for a direction to go in. I mean, after all these episodes, they STILL haven't been able to kill Naraku??!! They just seem pretty incompetent at this point. Maybe they should hire someone else to do the job. Sesshomaru hasn't evolved since he let Rin begin to accompany him way back when. I guess the problem that's beginning to develop for me is the fact that the overarching story arc of killing Naraku is just not that compelling anymore. But on the other hand, if the writers turn their attention from Naraku, you feel as if the episodes are merely filler, so you can't win either way. To me, resolve the Naraku plotline and move on to other subject matter. Still a good show, but the creativity is beginning to wane."