Inuyasha- Promize of the Past (Book Vol. 28)
(5 out of 5 stars)
"82: Gap Between the Ages:
-After the Naraku fanished, very injured), Kagome goes back to her own time, followed by Inuyasha. During school, Inuyasha was asked to take Kagome's lunch to her school. On the way he makes a few heroic stops, drawing all sorts of unwanted attention in his guady red outfit! In the end he makes it to school, and he must of gottan hungry (considering he are half her lunch on the way). Back in the fuedal era, Sango gets the type of attention she really wants from Miroku, but that doesn't end to well. There is much more but you half to see it to find out. FUNNY STUFF!!!
83: Female Wolf Demon and the Lunar Rainbow Promise:
-Kouga is chased by wolves, but none that he has ever met. Turns out they were sent to bring him to the Northern Mountains along with there leader Ayame, who is a female wolf demon. When Kouga was younger he promised to marry her, on the night of the lunar rainbow. Problem is, he still loves Kagome. Wonder how that turns out. Meanwhile, Naraku has created another reincarnation that is after Kouga and Kagome for their sacred jewel shards!! There are fights, pervertovness, and much more. HILARIOUS!!
84: Kouga's Bride to Be:
Still battling the new reincarnation of Naraku, Kouga and Ayame is almost eaten by it. With luck they tear out of its grasp and along with Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, and Shippo bring the demon down. Afterwards, Ayame, Kouga, and sort of Kagome fight about this whole marriage deal. Kagome sides with Ayame that it is best that Kouga marry her (Ayame), but Kouga's head is full of so much hot air he still insists he doesn't remember saying he would marry her, or ever will marry her. There is much much much more, but I am not going to tell you everything so you half to see it to believe it!!
THE BEST IN THE SEASON...kagome's got it hard
M. First | 08/12/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"as a BIG inuyasha fan, these episodes are my favorite.
episode 82- after a big battle with naraku, Kagome heds home, and inuyasha can not help but follow. Uh-oh Kagome forgot her lunch at home, guess who her mom asks to diliver it to her, none other than inuyasha. At first the thought of dilevering lunch was easy but inuyasha doesnt know the dangers of "the present" on his way there, a robber was running away from a cop with inuyasha right infront of him. while the robber was running, he threatens inuyasha, inuyasha obviously gets angry and punches him in the face, but for some reason the present isnt as nice as it was before, his next stop was at a building on fire, he rescues a little girl but as he flew out of the building to the ground his hat fell off. after his long adventure and later when Kagome got home. inuyasha was on the NEWS!!!!! and he was so worn out from the day, he fell asleep in kagome's bed
83- the wolf demon tribe in the mountains his having a lot of problems and the leader of the pack sends a young wolf demon girl named AYAME to fetch KOGA so they can marry. a long time ago, ayame was being chased by demons called "THE BIRDS OF PARADICE) and Ayame thought she was going to die but koga saved her. kouga promised her that he would marry her when she got a little older and on the very night they saw a rae lunar rainbow (a rainbow at night) but koga wouldnt go to marry ayame, but ayame was very persistant. Koga claimed he had a fiance named Kagome, and when ayame tracks down Koga to Naraku's old castle, a hudge demon made from naraku's discarded body parts erupts from the castle and chases Ayame who meets up with koga's friends HAKAKU and GINTA. while inuyasha fights the demon, Koga brings Kagome to safty, but they meet up with ayame accidentaly. Ayame is furious with Koga for falling in love with a mortal and she threatens to kill Kagome.
84-(i only saw the end ) After the battle, Ayame asked Koga if he remembered ANYTHING that happened that night. he thought really hard about it and remembered the whole senerio. but his answer was...
"NO...sorry...besides she was tiny." he said actually in a very embarssed voice. She was still mad but when koga said kagome was perfect because she could see the sacred jewl shards ayame said that she would make herself be able to see them too. koga said dream you cant do that and after a whole argument ayme starts laughing and he asks whats so funny and she says YOULL SEE and she runs off. after that Sango, Miroku, and Shippo were talking about ayame's comment "Then i will make myself see the sacred jewl shards too." and asking eachother and answering eachother if that was possible.
i really enjoyed these episodes they really made me laugh...and not because Koga is one of my fav. characters, because they were well planned, well drawn, well voice acted, and just well done. i give this DVD out of 5 star a 6, yes a 6 because it is just soooooooo good."
Another in a line of long series
B. E Jackson | Pennsylvania | 05/15/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is something you need to buy right now, today. Some of the past Inu-Yasha DVD's were only somewhat special, but this Inu-Yasha collection will give you so much to offer and enjoy and eat popcorn to. Sometimes a DVD collection can make you not that happy, but it's safe to say this is one past promise you will remember with good thoughts for many super years to come.