A. Rodriguez | Phoenix, AZ USA | 04/14/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Episode List
88 The Three Sprites of the Monkey God
Inu-Yasha and Co. arrive in a village where the fields have been wrecked by monkeys. The villagers who think Inu-Yasha is a dog god ask him to help, because monkeys hate dogs. When he meets up with the monkey demon he discovers that they are just little demons like Shippo. Funny episode, the monkey demons are cute and its fun to watch Inu-Yasha get so annoyed with them.
89 Nursing Battle of the Rival Lovers
On their way to locate Naraku Kagome catches a cold, while Inu-Yasha is out Sango and Miroku tell her to go home and get better. When Inu-Yasha returns with food for Kagome he is upset to find her gone and heads to her world where Hojo and Kagome's friends are visiting her and he seems to get a little jealous about Hojo. I like this episode it was sweet Inu-Yasha seems so concerned. It was sad when he saw the pictures of Kagome and her friends and Hojo was in it.
90 Sota Falls in Love
Kagome and Inu-Yasha are in the modern world and they discover that Kagome's brother Sota is in love with a classmate. This is a funny episode, I was craking up when Sota was asking Inu-Yasha for advice. When Kagome dresses Sota up he looks like Jimmy Kudo/Conan Odigawa from Case Closed.
All in all some good episodes are on this disc, nothing happens in the search for Naraku but they are funny and entertaining. I definitely plan on getting this one. For those of you who are fans of Inuyasha you should check out Ranma 1/2 or Maison Ikkoku also by Rumiko Takahashi, I liked Inuyasha and so I picked up some of her other stuff and I liked them just as much, especially Ranma 1/2 it's so funny."