Awesome DVD!
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Hi, I'm Alice. I'm 14 years old. In this DVD the episodes are
1. Kikyo and the Dark Priestess.
2. Tsubaki's unrelenting sprll.
3. The Red and White Priestesses.
All really awesome episodes and have you wanting more and seeing what happens next. I'm going to tell you some stuff about the epoisode. First: Kikyo and the Dark Priestess. Well as you already know in the last episode Kagome was curesed by the Dark Priestess and in extrme pain. So Miroku and Sango go of to kill the Dark Preistess while Inuyasha, Shippo, and Kaede look after Kagome. While Kaede and Shippo go get some more water for Kagome (water to try to ease Kagomes fever) Inuyasha is with Kagome waching over her. While he has his back trind (Looking for Sango and Miroku) Kagome shoots an arrow at Inuyasha. Of couse Inuyasha trinds aroung in time for the arrow to miss him. I'm not going to tell you what happens but the DVD picks up from that spot. Later on Inuyasha and Kagome go to where Miroku and Sango are. And he finds out Kikyo was there. Poor Inuyasha. He can't use his Tetsusaiga because if he dose Tsubaki will kill Kagome. This episode ends when Tsubaki unlashes a giant demon.
2. Tsubaki's Unrelening spell. Of course I have been giving you alot of infor. but I'll tell you what happens and then you are going to have to bye it to see what happens. Anyway Kagome has been getting much more worse becasue of Tsubaki. but Inuyasha (Sometime in the episode) Finds some tme to take to Kagome and try to ease her suffering. But they don't kiss or anything like that just in case you where wondering. Of course it kinda works but not really. You are just going to have to bye it to find out what happend. Untill next time This is Alice and watch Inuyasha on saterdays at 12:00 p.m. bye.