Inuyasha is the story of a young schoolgirl who becomes the protector of a feudal village; the master of Inuyasha, a half-demon dog boy, and the caretaker of the magical Shikon Jewel against the demonic forces of the past!... more » Ripped Off Again: Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippo encounter a young monk named Miroku who seeks the sacred Jewel for reasons of his own. The shards Kagome carries are stolen by Miroku, and Inuyasha must act to retrieve them.« less
"Rumiko Takahashi, "Queen of Romantic Comedy", writer of other great animes such as Ranma 1/2, Maison Ikkoku, and One-Pound Gospel, does it yet again with Inuyasha. Excellent crisp animation and sound that follow the original manga story closely. The dialouge is funny, witty, and the characters and plot are well developed, although this DVD isn't availible yet I've seen these episodes (111 InuYasha eps availible in Japanese as of May 21, 2003) and 36 availible in English on Cartoon Network. This is the greatest show of all time and the English version is 100 times better than the Japanese! This DVD also includes awesome extras and is priced right, usually about 10 dollars more expensive in stores, gives a great deal on this one."
Meet Miroku!
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Miroku(voiced by Kirby Morrow/Koji Tsujitani) finally joins the group in this volume, which is why I was really looking forward to this one. Plus, Sesshomaru finally returns! And, the true villain of the series, evil-jerk-who-I'd-love-to-tie-up-and-roast-on-a-barbecue-grill Naraku finally makes his appearance! Naraku gives Sesshomaru an offer..... and Sesshomaru agrees to it! Oh, and demon paintings come to life! It's all in the 6th volume of Inu-Yasha! Too bad it ends on a cliffhanger, but it gets resolved in the next volume!"
Xtreme DVD
Joseph B. Rademacher | Yuma, AZ USA | 07/31/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have seen most of the Inuyasha episodes on adult swim late nights. The Inuyasha series intreges me because it has a mixture of all film types. What I wish to state is that this series has a love story like a drama movie. The story has some grand action like an action movie. Most of all, it has alot of mystery in each episode that keeps me thinking about what will happen next(that aspect is very hard to judge even after finding all the needed details. I saw this DVD with a friend of mine who is intreged by anime films. He and I both agree this movie is a must see for fans of the show, and many anime fans across the world."
It just keeps getting better!
Joseph B. Rademacher | 06/10/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I absolutely love this series! This dvd is especially great because you get to meet miroku, my favorite ... monk. I always end up laughing out loud watching this series and I have yet to share it with someone who didn't end up loving it. If your not familiar with the series, I suggest that you watch it on Cartoon Network's adult swim first. Then, once you become addicted you can purchase all available dvd's."
Sesho | Pasadena, TX USA | 08/01/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Volume 6 of Inuyasha introuduces a new character named Miroku, who at first glance seems to be a new enemy. He's a monk who seems more interested in chasing women than he is in protecting innocents! He even tries to bust a move on Kagome, much to the jealousy of Inuyasha, and Kagome at times seems to be willing to spite her half-demon friend. But Miroku is not an ordinary human. His ancestors were cursed by the demon Naraku to pass down an awful but sometimes handy affliction. His hand is basically the equivalent of a black hole which, when released can suck anything, including our heroes into it! He also offers some clues to what happened 50 years ago when Inuyasha and Kikyo battled against each other. Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippo will have to enlist the aid of this powerful young monk as Naraku and Inuyasha's half brother, Sesshomaru join forces!
Volume 6 of this excellent series offers all the usuals of Inuyasha. High production values in the animation, humor, horror, compelling storylines, and great character interaction. The mystery of why Inuyasha and Kikyo battled so long ago is a plotline that really picks your brain and you want to find out the cause. Engrossing. The extras are pretty lame as usual, in the form of Japanese promotional ads."