Must see
B. Endo | Honolulu, HI USA | 09/22/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This film provides provocative insight into September 11 and the machinations of the Bush Administration. For too long, we have turned a blind eye to the abuses of the current presidency andright wing fanatics have labelled truth-seekers such as Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky been labelled astraitors or conspiracy nuts. This documentary shows evidence that we have been lied to for years."
A MUST-SEE for all Americans
L. A. Reno | Troy, KS | 01/17/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I purchased this film without knowing anything about it (other than Noam Chomsky was in it). I was amazed! I consider myself well informed on the misdirection of the US and its international relationships, but I learned something new from watching this DVD. This is truly a patriot's movie! Watch it and be amazed at how much bigger other nationalities are when compared to many US citizens."
I always wondered...
Catherine Somerlot | 11/14/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Internationally Speaking definitely spoke to me! I have always wondered what the rest of the world thought of the United States. I had a pretty good idea that there are some negative opinions about our actions, but it was interesting, and often embarrassing, to learn of what people from other countries truly think of us. This is a film that should be seen by all Americans. An open mind is required to get the most out of what these people are saying, even if your first reaction is defensive anger. We need to learn a lesson in humility and tolerance. I believe this film is a huge step towards that."
Middle of the road
Brandon | Mobile, AL | 02/15/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"middle of the road, and nothing really new. i had written a long review about this, but amazon removed it after i posted that i would give away my copy of this dvd for free. it's all open forums, until someone questions capitalism. imagine that, a free exchange of goods."