Absence of virtue
Pamela Williams | Saginaw, Texas USA | 06/03/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This entry is excellent, especially since the key factors which identify the villain do not emerge until very late in the mystery. Absence of virtue could easily describe this mystery, as most of the principals in this story have significantly flawed characters and/or dark secrets. Morse's tendency not to suffer fools gladly is prominently displayed, as illustrated by his relationship with journalists who focus unusual attention upon him while covering multiple murders in the same wealthly family. Morse is also confronted with dealing with a temporary Chief Superintendant while his own boss is on vacation. The frustration level of Morse is palpable as he is faced with a vexing case, intrusive journalists, and a less than empathetic supervisor. In the end, however, the cerebral approach of Inspector Morse is vindicated. One thematic element which makes this story satisfying is that to one degree or another, all of the culprits get what they deserve."
The Intrusive Paparazzi
William J. Thor | Vero Beach | 02/15/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This installment is an atypical Morse. It is a straight "who done it?" which is quite good for that genre. Being completely void of the personal side of Morse and thus depriving us of our much anticipated diversions, we look to the paparazzi, who are covering the detective as opposed to the investigation, believing Morse will make better copy - but alas we are not privy to the published articles. The paparazzi - and there are many of them due to the prominence of the family involved - become quite an annoyance for Morse as does Superintendent Holdsby replacing our regular Superintendent Strange, who is on vacation. One murder follows another; however the persistent Morse -- after disposing of some "red herrings," finds the thread that ties them together. My first viewing of this entry resulted in three stars -- subsequent viewing and reflection, led me to increase the rating to four stars. It is quite a good episode after all."