I'll Get You Next Time, Gadget... Next Time
Stacy Rosenburg | Oregon | 09/22/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This dvd is the first release since Fox aquired the rights to the series. The first release from Shout gave us the first 22 episodes of the series. This release from Fox is one of those "couple of episodes to test the waters" dvds we all hate so much. Just release the series and stop these innane few episode releases.
If you own the first release from Shout you will be happy to know the 10 episodes on this DVD are NOT from the 22 previously released. The episodes are here in thier entirety, with the exeption of an updated Dic Logo at the end, (and in some cases a "Cookie Jar" logo [the company Fox hired to release these]). This is a one disk, double sided unfortunatly. The episodes automatically play, however there is a menu from which you can choose which you want to watch. No special features, but there are Spanish subtitles.
The 10 episodes released on this disk are
The Coo Coo Clock Caper
The Japanese Connection
Pirate Island
Mad Academy
In Seine
Launch Time
Photo Safari
Bermuda Triangle
Arabian Nights
The Great Divide
I gave this collection 4 stars instead of 5 because we all would rather see a season release. Since this is unlikely however I would reccomend buying this dvd."
At least it's something
Daniel Malik | IN USA | 10/25/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"It's a shame that Shout Factory didn't sell enough copies of their first and only chronological collection of Inspector Gadget. This was probably the best cartoon of the 80s, and I was looking forward to owning the original run of episodes. After waiting 3 and a half years for more, Fox finally released this new single disc. The episodes are random, out of order selections, and like the other reviewers have said, I want sets that are in order. Still, getting this release is better than nothing. It's 10 episodes that were previously unavailable, and for that I'm thankful. Hopefully this time around it sells enough to merit more releases, preferably with more episodes next time."
Get (5 stars for the actual show)
Video Game History | United States | 10/20/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"a grip! Please release the full sets of these episodes! I bought the first box set hoping to complete the entire series only TO BE LEFT HANGING!
5 stars for the show, Inspector Gadget, 1 star for the releases!!!!!
Let's hope the full series comes out on dvd.... the wait has been too long!"