I loved the complexity of this movie
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I'm not usually into crime films like this one, but there was definately something unique about the way this film was put together. I am a huge fan of Stephen Dorff's, but even if I wasn't I think this movie would have been just as intriguing. This film goes into areas that most others are afraid to enter and really makes the best of a great story line. It also has a cast of fantastic actors who play their roles with the right amount of mystique and venomous betrayl. I loved the character of Jeremy, he was well-played and had an amazing level of complexity. He's a completely dispicable person, but you can't help but to be drawn to the cunning and disregardful nature of his character. The young lady playing Jeremy's sister is also very believable in her role as the childish, and incestuous girl who can't quite bring herself to get away from her brother. The whole movie is a work of art, and very well done. I recommend it to anyone who loves crime and drama, as well as good acting."
What a terrible movie!
singhm2 | San Francisco, CA United States | 04/17/2001
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Don't bother! I am a huge fan of both Stephen Dorff's and Gabrielle Anwar's. But this movie has almost no redeeming qualities. The plot is weak, although at times it shows the potential of some depth. The characters are unbelievable. You have no idea about anyone's motivation... even after the movie has ended. And it is VERY poorly acted. Dorff delivers THE WORST performance of his career. He should have had an accent coach, because his accent was so spotty that I was left wondering whether he was the child that was sent off to America instead of Anwar. I could go on and on about this movie, scene by painful scene, but what's the point. Hardly anyone can find a copy of it, and out of those almost no one watches it. Well, don't break ranks on this one. It's simply not worth it."
Gripping story, Stunning photography, Stupefying girl
T. W. Combs | Coastal Carolina, USA | 07/20/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Was this movie released under another title? Did some other reviewers see a bad copy? I saw the last few minutes of it on TV and went out to rent it. Nobody had it. It wasn't even in any of my movie books. Then I found it and the story was one of the best mysteries stories I have seen.
You need to understand the times. Frightened by communist spread, many in Europe turned to Nazis for help in fighting the menace -- especially the wealthy. In 1938, into this milieu, a British detective, played by Adrian Dunbar, seeks to find how a friend had died. The only clue he has leads to the Graves, an English family living in France. The mother is pro Nazi. Two of the siblings seem possibly be in an incestuous relationship. Another sibling had been slain in an accident years before. This "accident" leads to blackmail and incest. This may be what the deceased friend had discovered that lead to his death.
Stephen Dorff and Gabrielle Anwar play the nearly-grown siblings. Anwar is at the peak of attractiveness. I usually hate to see girls who look like their lips have been smashed by a brick but in this one case I make an exception. She seems to want out of the relationship but can't resist Dorff's touch, even on the eve of her wedding.
More murders occur as Dunbar seems about to break the case. But he, too, is under Anwar's spell. He wants to help her escape, when Dorff shows up again.
I don't want to spoil it. The photography is marvelous. The music fits the scene. A enchanting look at pre-war France. And I'm sure if Hitler had seen the mother's taste in art, he'd have had her shot.
80 minutes worth forgetting
Morten Lokkegaard | Copenhagen, Denmark | 08/05/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This short movie seemed to have a lot going for it with interesting and generally attractive actors on the poster, however it turned out its main asset was it was over in only 80 minutes!
The plot turned out to not really be a plot, the characters were all flawed to an unimaginable extend (not shades of grey which is more realistic and preferable for this reason). The 'detectives' (one French and one English) were completely without charisma and their acting ressembled something from a school play... resulting in a rare collaboration of cross-channel dilletance !
The incestrous and promiscuous elements and sexual under (and over) tones were used to little effect, other than possibly attract a couple of people by the ability of making 'steamy' trailers.....
A waste of time"