Anime Vs DVD set
B. Klos | Oakland County, Michigan | 08/04/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Like the title suggests, I'm gunna try to write two reviews:
The anime:
Good stuff. If you've done your research, you've probably heard this before, if not, here it is. This anime is lord of the flies in space. It's a bunch of kids who are trapped on a ship and they're trying to sort everything else, and survive. I'm making it sound sorta lame, but I want to stay as far as I can from any spoilers.
The teen crew of this ship face hurdles and with each one comes an added level of stress. It's interesting how everyone reacts to the shift of the kid driven social structures. Totalitarian power, democratic freedom, communistic equality... no matter how the ship is controlled, every system has it's flaws.
For me, this series kept pissing me off... in a good way. The actions of each character seems so irrational, yet, given thier situation and naive views, you can't blame them for thier actions. The series shows how ideals, when take to the extreme, can make a bad situation worse.
In all, the series is pretty gripping. It doesn't require you to think, but if you have an active brain, you'll have plenty of underlying themes to munch on.
BUY IT... but not until you read the next section.
The DVD set:
Any complete anime series is a bargian for something in the 40s-50s range. However, there were a few problems I saw in the animation. I'm not sure if it's the series itself, just this particular DVD set, or just my individual copy of the anime (last one is really unlikely). But on to what those problems are.
Throughout the entire series certian scenes would seem fuzzier than the others. At first I wondered if my projector lense was out of focus, but I knew that wasn't the problem when crisp characters suddenly appeared on screne. The problem is mostly prominent whenever a computer screen is shown. And in this series, there's alot of time spent focused on computer screens.
It's really not THAT big of a deal. I simply saw it as a minor peeve, but it might compromise the enjoyment of the series for others. But then again, I have a pretty high tollerance for technical issues... while some folks have almost no tollerance. However, that's the only complaint I have. There were no noticeble compression artifcacts, or audio problems that I could pick up on.
My suggestion is: Do some research before buying this particular box set. It's a bargan price, but you might also be getting a compromised quality. However, the other DVDs may have similar problems. So like I said, do a bit of research if an occasional [minor] blurring is a major problem for you. Otherwise, it's a great series.
The series gets 5 stars, but this particular DVD set gets 3... So i guess that evens out to a 4 overall. There's my insite, now it's your turn to decide."
J. Charbonnet | off in my own little world | 09/24/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"this is an EXCELLENT series!!!!!!!!! plain and simple. i'm not even gonna bother to inject reasoning into this review. i don't need to, as i'm not giving opinions. it's simply a fact that this series is great!!!
i will give a word of warning though: if you're a kid and still require simple story-lines to get ya going, don't even bother with this one. as it will most likely be above your head (no offense... really, kids ^_^). lots of very realistic characters, put in one dire situation, and left to fend for themselves = brilliant social comentary... this one goes out to all you sociology majors out there!!!! ^_^)"