Reviewed on 1/2/2025...
This is definitely one of the better hulks made and a shame that Edward and Liv did not continue since they were quite the pair! The real hulk makes a cameo in this, which is really cool!
Brad S. (Snibot) from DALLAS, TX
Reviewed on 3/23/2010...
The Incredible Hulk the series was a great success for a number of reasons, is it that it was first? No. Is it because it had great stories? No, though the stories were excellent. Is it that the acting was so fantastic? No, but it was. So why then do so many fans enjoy the series and hate the last movie so much? Because it was superb in the suspension of disbelief. When you watched the series you felt that The Hulk was possible. This began at the intro of the show, with Bruce Banner in his lab, getting gamma irradiated, and continued through each episode. Now finally there is a new cast to fill the shoes of the old...
Edward Norton always makes movies that I though, Man he is spot on; and his Bruce Banner is no exception. Bruce was not some nerdy punk who got a swirly in high school, He isn't some push over that would get beaten up by a 3 year old girl, he was an average guy (with some anger management issues.) He also has one tremendous character 'flaw' ... responsibility, Everything that The Hulk does he is, or feels he is responsible for, everything that comes out of The Hulk, he is responsible for... and that is one of the key reasons he wants to get rid of it. So again, Edward Norton, SPOT ON!
The movie starts in the slums of Brazil, which I appreciate, since I speak Portuguese I was looking forward to seeing it. Unfortunately a few of the parts were from people who spoke either horrible Portuguese and got the words wrong, or people who spoke with accents that I couldn't understand, though most of the parts were played by Brazilians, (like his teacher) so I got my warm and fuzzy out of it. Also they did a half decent job with Brazilian geography (though the favelha they used was in Rio)
Liv Tyler, felt a little hollow at first, but she hit her key moments right, so, I'm alright with her part.
William Hurt ... I always wanted horrible things to happen to the general ... Hurt was one unlikeable guy ... way to go!
Tim Roth - unfortunately I think they did a disservice by not giving his character more screen time, I think they could have shown a little more of his development so we understood a little better at the end what happens, still his character is understandable, I just would have liked to see him a little more.
CGI The Hulk, well done. It didn't have the Saturday morning cartoon feel to it, I heard some complaints out not seeing the monster enough, but I think they did a great job with this. He wasn't overdone, his animation was KILLER from his expressions, to his injuries.
Props for a job well done on this movie. People who enjoyed the series will finally have a Hulk on the big screen to like, hard core fans should be happy with this movie as they don't butcher the storyline to bad (come on guys you do have to give them some artistic license.)
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