When your healing abilities are increased, you have a stronger connection to the source of the Healing Energy, stronger intent for the purpose of the healing, and stronger visualization when needed during the healing. S... more »cientists have identified a mental state that has specific brain waves named Delta and Gamma throughout the brains of advanced Healers when they are Healing. This mental state is called the Healing Zone. It takes years of practice and experience for advanced Healers to enter this Zone, which optimizes their Healing abilities. There are three healing programs on this DVD that will train your mind to enter the Healing Zone to increase healing abilities without years of practice and experience. The healing programs include the Contemporary Technology of Brain Wave Entrainment (BWE) in the form of Isochronic Tones and Monaural Beats. The healing programs are easy to use and will increase your healing abilities from the level they are at now. Just watch and listen while the healing programs train your mind to automatically enter the Healing Zone whenever you desire. The DVD includes three healing programs with complete step by step instructions and explains Healing Abilities - Healing Zone - Brain Waves - Brain Wave Entrainment (BWE) - Isochronic Tones and Monaural Beats. Steve Murray is the author of the global best-selling Reiki the Ultimate Guide books and has over 40 New Age self-help programs on DVD. A few examples of the topics on DVD are: Reiki Healing, Psychic Healing, Soul Retrieval, Aura and Chakra Healing, Removing Psychic Debris, Contacting Angels, Past Life Healing, Cancer Imagery, Weight loss, pain, fear, and stress relief.« less