I ll Believe You is a sci-fi comedy that will take your whole family on a journey you ll never forget! Dale Sweeney (David Alan Basche), is the host of his own radio show dedicated to discovering the unknown. Just as his r... more »adio show is about to be cancelled, he receives a mysterious call that is believed to be from another world!Aliens, adventure, and ice cream sandwiches launch this all-star cast (Ed Helms, Mo Rocca, Fred Willard, Chris Elliott, and Patrick Warburton) into a cosmic adventure so amazing it s almost unbelievable...take a chance and believe.« less
A sci-fi comedy farce that carries itself believably...
Steve Kuehl | Ben Lomond, CA | 09/05/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Tonight was farce night so I snuck in this and Dance Flick [Blu-ray]; two Chris Elliott films in one night, whew. Patrick Warburton was the reason I watched this and by the end, he is the main reason the film succeeds. He is wholeheartedly better (and forgotten about) in The Civilization of Maxwell Bright but his performance here as the time traveling future man saves what would otherwise be a clean attempt at making a PG level farce with over the top acting.
The plot follows a late night radio host (played by the Starter Wife guy) as he attempts to keep his hope and show alive by listening to stories of the unknown. A strange speaking caller (with a voice we have all come to recognize) peaks our host's determination in proving that aliens exist. The main character's sidekicks include the comic relief cop buddy and girl interest played adequately by unknowns, but there are some punctuated short performances to look for with Fred Willard and Chris Elliott that help laugh things along. As tons of improbable and unlikely events transpire, you realize the filmmakers are allowing the film to be a farce on the genre and on themselves, so it succeeds at being a clean humor time travel film with no pretentiousness of being serious.
The special features include a volume of cast and crew commentaries, a 33 minute making of that covers a through background on logistics and the creation process. The editing was horrendous in the film, but once you watch the docu, you are reminded of what they had to work with and they did the best they could; director stated it best as "clunky". There are 12 minutes of rightfully deleted scenes with director intros on each, no play all option. Have the option of 5.1 or 2.0 and film quality is decent. 3 for the film and 1 for the extras. If you are looking for a more serious independent time travel film check out Timecrimes. Enjoy."
Despite it's flaws, a film that stays with you...in a good w
Michael Dickerson | Bristol, RI | 09/15/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"There's a reason why I'm writing about this movie. I accidentally fell in love with it. Like any good love affair, my positive feelings didn't start immediately. To be brutally honest to the filmmakers, when I first watched it, I was underwhelmed. In fact, I kind of hated it. I only watched the first 10 minutes and then I turned it off, angry that I had purchased a movie that had some of my favorite comic actors that had annoyed me so much.
The next night, I forgot the movie was in my player. When it started up, I decided to watch another 10 minutes and ended up finishing the thing. And I was really glad I did. Because, despite myself, I found myself getting involved in the story and characters and central mystery. And then, low and behold, I found myself actually starting to root for the characters. By the time the rug pull came halfway through the movie, my heart sank for the main character. And then, I was hit with a plot twist that was totally unexpected and completely original. By the end of the movie, I was asking myself "What the hell happened? How did I go from hating this movie to really enjoying it?"
A few days later, I watched the making of documentary. At 30 minutes, it was jam packed with good stories and brutally honest comments and insight by all the major players. And you know what? I found myself falling in love with the movie a little more. This was a film made by people who had a dream (much like the main character in the movie). There's no denying that this movie has some flaws. But I can honestly say that the movie ended up sticking with me in ways that I didn't realize it would.
The movie focuses on Dale, who is played with various levels of success by an actor with the unfortunately pretentious name of David Alan Basche. His IMDB page shows a long list of credits, so he's clearly what you would call "a working actor." I think it's fair to say he's adequate in the role, but he doesn't make the character sing. Luckily, it kind of works for this type of movie. The supporting characters are the memorable characters. It's a little like "Seinfeld," where Jerry is the straight guy to Elaine, Kramer and George, although Basche is certainly no Jerry Seinfeld.
He plays Dale, who is a radio disc jockey and a fulltime dreamer. He's basically a little kid stuck in a grown man's body. Basche is most convincing when he's hopeful and excited. He's much less convincing when he's just trying to be funny. His previous credits show an emphasis on drama, and my assumption is that is more his forte than comedy.
Dale thinks he's getting a phone call from a space alien that has crash landed on Earth on his radio show. The majority of the movie is about Dale and his friends trying to find it. If that sounds light on plot, it is. But this movie ends up being more than just the sum of its parts. It's ultimately about friends helping friends achieve their dreams. It's got a little of the "Wizard Of Oz" in it, too. That movie is simply about Dorothy trying to get home. And like that movie, everyone joins in because they simply want to help Dorothy achieve her dreams. Dale is Dorothy here. And his friends Paige, Seth and Sena are the Scarecrow, Tin Man and Cowardly Lion.
As I mentioned, Dale is a little bland here. But his friends are anything but. Dale clearly wrestles with logic and fantasy, and the two actors portraying his friends do an admirable job of bringing this internal struggle to life. As their IMDB pages reveal, both are unknowns and they do good jobs with their roles. At first, I liked school teacher Paige more and found police cop Sena to be really annoying. I thought he was just another fat, Jonah Hill rip off. But within a few scenes, I started to see that this wasn't the case at all. They weren't making a Judd Apatow movie. They were doing something much more lighthearted and innocent. If anything, these were grown up children. Or, more appropriately, children who refused to grow up. They were earnest. They were silly. They still believed in UFOs and Santa Clause. And they love each other. They might not say it until the end. But their actions say it in every way. And because of that, I found myself liking both the performances and the characters much more as time went on.
Patrick Warburton is the fourth member of this oddball group of friends. It's difficult to write about him without giving away too much of the plot. He's very good in the movie. His performance is nuanced. He's not the central comedy performance here, although he does get some laughs. He's actually quite moving in some scenes. That's not to say "heavy." The movie never takes itself too seriously. But it certainly involves you emotionally. And much of that is thanks to Warburton. He's the best actor in the movie and he is instrumental in making you care about this story.
The director says in the documentary that he wanted to make a hopeful movie and an uplifting movie. At first glance, that might sound a little like it's a subtly religious film. Hell, the terrible title alone might make you think that as well. But it's not. It's just a movie about people helping each other. And it's cool to see how they're able to actually pull that feat off.
So, you may be asking-- why three stars? For starters, I can't give it 5. That's classic movie ranking and, come on. This is no classic. It's not trying to be, either. But anyone who gives this movie 5 stars is related to the director or on drugs. I can't give it 4 stars either, because the start of the movie is frankly a mess. I would say the start of the movie is a 1 star movie (which is why I turned it off). But by the time Fred Willard showed up, it became a 2 star movie and then when the mystery started, it became a 3 star movie and by the end of the movie, it was a 4 star movie.
It's truly a shame that the film couldn't have sustained the level of quality it achieves by the end throughout. When you watch the documentary, you will see the astounding (and in some cases perplexing) lengths the director went in order to salvage the movie. The director says they're much like the characters in the movie: hopeful and idealistic. And despite the obstacles, they believed enough in the movie to pull it off. It's true. And it makes you love the movie a little bit more.
This movie ends up sticking with you, perhaps more than it should in light of its silly story. But that's usually a sign of an engaging movie. I can honestly say that this is a solid movie that could have been great with either more resources or more experience. But, it ends up being a voyage worth taking. It's kind of like taking a road trip that starts with a flat tire but ends up being the journey you remember fondly for years to come. I recommend it."
Dreams can come true...on a budget
Jerry Schwartz | Mountain View, CA | 09/15/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I have to start by saying that the five star reviews up there has to be a friend or family member of the movie. And I say this as someone who enjoyed this movie enough to join in on the discussion. But come on! Five stars? You don't really help your cause when it seems like you're trying to stuff the ballot box.
Okay, now that *that's* out of the way...how's the movie?
Surprisingly good. I'm a new father and someone who grew up on kid films from the 70s and 80s. Syd and Marty Kroft. Far Out Space Nuts. Lost Saucer. Land of the Lost. Plus kid movies like The Kid From Left Field and Escape From Witch Mountain. This movie is definitely going for that feel.
This is a clean family movie that is amazingly secular. I was not expecting either. When you see Fred Willard, Chris Elliott and Ed Helms on the cast list, you're expecting some R-rated fare. But there's nothing close to R-rated here. It took me a good ten minutes to get into that mode, which could be why some people have complained about the first ten minutes. I'm not saying it's Shakespeare, but it does take a little getting used to. You're expecting the other "gross out" shoe to drop and it never does.
Usually, super-clean family fare is produced by religious organizations. There's no way that this is religious. It's not anti-religious. It's just non-religious. In fact, it's pretty heavy on the science/education side (two of the main characters are a teacher and scientist). I have to say that there was something refreshing about this. It all seemed reasoned and carefully thought out.
Once you get used to this conceit and settle in to this squeaky clean world, things become increasingly quirky, funny and strange. There's a write up of the story in the product info, so I'll skip that. I found the actor to play Dale to be quite good. He's got a really tough line to walk here. He's got to be innocent and hopeful, yet also logical and intelligent. The actor manages to pull this off very well and by the end of the movie, you're totally rooting for him. He's got real charm.
His two friends are clearly supposed to represent the different sides of his personality. Paige is what I assume is his girlfriend (although there is nary a kiss in the movie!). The actress who plays her is fine at best. I'm not sure how much is her fault and how much is the writing. She has probably the toughest role here, because she's clearly representing science. She comes from a world of proof and evidence, which is a lot less romantic and exciting than pure imagination and fantasy. That characterization is personified by the other member of their trio, Senna. Senna is a chubby cop who is like a giant Latino teddy bear. He gets excited about the littlest things. He eggs on the main character's dreams. And he's a welcome dose of high energy and absurd comedy. It probably would've helped to allow Paige to be just as energetic and excited about science as Senna was about dreams. But it's also possible that the actress playing Paige did not have the ability to do that.
These three are giant kids. Other people have noted this in reviews and I couldn't agree more. It's kind of sweet, but really confusing on another level. For a movie that is so clearly targeted to kids and families, one can't help but wonder why there aren't *any* kids in this movie, aside from one class room scene. But maybe the director simply didn't want to deal with kid actors. (I seem to remember a certain former actor president who said something about working with kids and animals...).
The rest of the cast is made up of very recognizable stars. Patrick Warburton is particularly good in this movie and adds some much needed gravitas to the film. He has some difficult, highly scientific scenes which he handles with great aplomb. Honestly, he's a revelation to me here. I obviously know him from Seinfeld, but he's nothing like the wonderfully goofy Puddy here. He's thoughtful, offbeat and very smart. It's a performance I didn't know he could give and it's very refreshing.
Others like Mo Rocca and Ed Helms make small cameos that are welcomed. The only one I was down on was Fred Willard. I've just seen him do this character so many times it bored me. Rocca gives a superb injection of energy just when the movie needs it, as does Helms, who gives probably the flat out funniest performance in the movie (no surprise there).
As for bonus scenes, I watched one deleted scene, but I turned it off immediately. It wasn't because the scene was so bad. It was because I literally couldn't watch it! I don't know if I got a screwed up disc or if there was a problem with the encoding, but the entire thing looked like I was watching a blown up video on the web. Again, it could be my disc, but the sound played fine. So, I don't know what it could be. The image just looked like it was encoded at a super-low res. I didn't check out either the commentary or the documentary, but a few people have said nice things about it, so I may, as long as the picture is watchable.
In the end, I give this a solid three stars. It doesn't try for much, but it succeeds in giving a little more than you thought. I liked watching it and I only wish my little boy was older so that we could've watched it together. This is the kid of movie my father and I would've gone to the theaters to see growing up.
Warburton Brings A-Game
Charles Anderson | Orlando, FL | 09/09/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I love Patrick Warburton. I'll see anything with him. Loved The Tick. Loved him on Seinfeld. Even loved the first five minutes of MIB2 because of him. He's great. And he more than delivers here. He's different in this role as the doctor. I watched half of the doc on the making of this movie and they talked about him doing something different than he normally does. I think that's a little unfair, because Warburton's done a bucnh of different things. Like The Dish is really good and he's good in the forgetable Civilization of Maxwell Bright. The man has shown his range.
But I will agree that he's not just playing Puddy here. And it's nice to see that. He's a quality actor and he really brings his "a-game" here.
As for the rest of the cast, I don't know who the other leads are. They range from bland to really funny. The fat Cuban cop almost steals the show from Warburton. Almost. Fred Willard is aight, but not any different than normal. He just does his "Fred Willard" thang. Chris Elliott's great. I didn't recognize Ed Helms who may have the funniest scene in the movie.
There are some deleted scenes on here which are pretty terrible. It's a good thing they had the good sense to cut them. I gave up on the doc midway. It's fine but I just didn't care about the filmmakers or what they had to do to make this movie.
My wife dug it a lot, too. All in all, thumbs up."
Pretty good for a movie I've never heard of
Doug Kimball | Chicago, IL | 09/09/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I got this movie because I will see anything with Chris Elliott and I was excited to see a new project with him. I'd never even heard of this movie, which, quite frankly, is almost always a bad sign. But truth be told, it was pretty good. Not laugh out loud, but surprisingly clever and consistently entertaining. You have to get past the first 5 or 10 minutes which are admittedly bad. I watched the making of doc, which is surprisingly good and the director explains they had to do a major recut to get the story to work without being able to aford a reshoot. Hence the choppy start. But once you get past that, it flows pretty well and it's got a good mystery that builds to a very satisfying ending. In fact, this is one of those rare movies where every ten minuets the movie gets better and better.
I've never seen any of the main actors before, other than Puddy (from Seinfeld). He's very good in the movie. The rest of the movie is filled with lots of great actors in smaller roles (Fred Willard! Yea! Chris Elliott! Double yea!). Previous reviewer mentioned the editing, which is definitely weak in the first half. Much better in the second. And he gave away the major spoiler. Try to avoid that. Makes the movie better. I didn't know going in and was surprised.
Not a great film. But not bad, either. Solid three stars from me."