Dave | Indianapolis, Indiana United States | 03/14/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is it, people--the fourth and final volume of this unusual yet fun martial arts anime series. It doesn't start off with the bang that I thought it would, as Hakufu and Ukitsu's fateful duel ends up being postponed until the final episode due to a certain matter which I will not reveal. But there's plenty of action that takes place before then! The fights in these last three episodes seemed to be more intense and definitely more bloody than than those in the previous ones. Some characters also end up dying. There's also a couple of unexpected twists that really added juice to the plot. And of course, there's tons of fanservice, especially during the fights. Heck, I lost count of how many times Hakufu gets her school uniform shredded in these three episodes.
As for the fight between Hakufu and Ukitsu, I thought it was okay, but should've been alot better and longer since it was the final ultimate battle and all. A slight disappointment, hence the 4 stars. The ending was decent, but...I really wish there was more! I never imagined I would become so fond of this crazy show when I purchased the first volume. But at least the manga (called "Battle Vixens") is still continuing. Hopefully it will quench my Ikkitousen thirst.
The extras on this disc include the usual, along with the original Japanese TV commericals. There's also hidden outtakes (select "extras" and push PLAY on the remote as Hakufu does her kick).
In closing, I have to say that overall I found this series to be quite entertaining, despite how much critisism it may get from other anime fans. It definitely puts a twist on the fighting anime genre. The fights, comedy, and FS were all nice, but I think the characters were what I liked most about it. Sure, they may not be super complex and deep, but they do develop to a certain degree and really grow on you throughout the series. I recommend giving it a try at least. I also wrote reviews for volumes 2 and 3 (vol. 1 has plenty) if you're interested. I hope these reviews have been helpful."
Sweet fanservice they should've pushed further
Aron Camenzind | Omaha, NE | 03/03/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have a feeling that there are alot of anime fans that will tell you that this anime embodies all the things they hate in anime. This volume is alot like the others with some very satisfying moments of intensified fanservice. Some sort of storyline? Sorta, and can be pretty fun, but mostly fun fight scenes with our large-breasted fanservice providers. Sometimes I think that that might be the main focus of the show... and I love it!
If I have any gripe about this it's that I wish they'd have pushed the fanservice a little further sinse that's the main draw anyway. Why not more frequent nudity? To Avoid a 17+ rating? Animes like this are like a break from mature anime titles(hentai) for me. Which do push fanservice over the rim. If you are an insatiable pervert like me and like every drop of suggestive anime out there, then I recommend this to you!"