Elephant trainer Bill Bogard wins a fortune in the English Sweepstakes. With his new-found wealth, he is encouraged to propose marriage to Princess Mitzi, the star violinist of the circus. His paramour accepts and a public... more » ceremony is arranged by circus-owner, Charlie O'Brien. Minutes before the wedding, the groom is kidnapped. Determined to bring Bill back, Charlie and the princess follow the clues aboard a departing ocean liner, where the trail of evidence seems to lead to a mysterious hypnotist.Hypnotized is a rare cultural artifact from the dawn of sound film-making. Billed as "The Two Black Crows," George Moran and his partner Charles Mack don minstrel black-face in this politically incorrect curiosity. In the 1920s and 1930s Moran and Mack were able to parlay their popular vaudeville act into a hit radio program as well as successful motion pictures and recordings. They are joined in this World Wide Pictures production, by a strong supporting cast which includes Wallace Ford, Maria Alba, Marjorie Beebe and an unbilled Hattie McDaniel.« less