Really awesome
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Hyper police episodes 9 - 12 are really decent anime. Nowhere on par with Inuyasha or Ai Yori Aoeshi, but still pretty good. This DVD has excellent voice acting and a good ending episode, but you'll want to buy the next volume at the same time -- it's far better to watch episodes 12 and 13 together. This DVD focuses pretty well on developing Natsuki and Sakura as characters. Natsuki is by far the best character in many anime series, and by the end of episode 13, she'll warm your heart far more than any other cat-monster! Only Tina in Ai yori aoeshi is a better Anime character -- Natsuki is by far one of the best characters of all anime -- even better than Kagome, kauro, Inuyasha, tenchi, ryoki, whoever. The rest of the characters in the show don't hold a candle to Natsuki, and the plot's mediocre at best, but Natsuki is the series redeeming grace. Just for this one character, this DVD warrants 5 stars, but I subtracted one because the other characters are so much weaker. If you don't like Natsuki, you may not like the DVD. It's just average anime without her. Of course, even average anime is pretty good. Definately buy it if you're buying for kids, and most male adults will love it. It should appeal well to women as well, since the lead character is a really strong female, and this isn't typical boy-centered anime, though it is definately boy's anime. The english acting talent is far better than the japanese talent, so this series should really be watched in English to be appreciated. In Japanese, it's nowhere near as good."