A review from Zombiefans!
Zombob | U.S.A. | 10/30/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"How do you say "garbage" in German?
1) ACTING: The acting was pretty rough. I imagine that this was a group of friends that decided they wanted to get together and do a zombie movie. And it shows. I would say that the acting was mediocre at best.
2) PRODUCTION: Again, this was pretty rough. I tried to be lenient with low/no budget indies, but geez...The soundtrack pretty much consisted of German heavy metal thrash music and nothing else. The lighting was horrible, and when outside, nobody took into account that the light changes at diffrent times of the day. Character A can throw a punch at Character B at high noon, and when the fist actually hits Character B, it's 5 pm. The same goes with the weather. One day, there's 4 inches of snow, the next day, the characters are running around, all hot and sweaty in tank tops, then the next day, back to snow. I do admit I don't know how extreme the weather changes are in Germany, but wow...One thing I will praise, is the amount of blood and gore that was used in this movie. And if the blood didn't look like diluted tomato juice, I would've praised it more. The kills were very creative and over the top. The plot was filled with dozens of plot holes that were never answered, but by this time, the viewer pretty much has checked out. Especially, during the long country ride back to town. That ride back seemed as long as the movie itself.
3) THE ZOMBIES: We had a mixture of passive-aggressive zombies that will fight each other to chew on that leg and seem capable of hiding and using stealth techniques to attack their prey. Plus they are skilled at using weapons. Also, for some reason, after dying and returning to un-life, they all develop Nosferatu's rat-like teeth. And the head zombie, seems to be immortal. HUH?
4) THE CAUSE: Man-made chemical experiment.
5) NUDITY: For the ladies, a brief appearance of a guy in a sauna in all his glory.
There is very little I can sa that is positive about this movie. I try to be lenient because I feel that people involved in low/no budget indies should be proud that they actually made a movie, and would give them props just for that. Sadly, here's a movie that I would be ashamed to admit to being a part of. Why create mediocrity when there is so much out there already? I would think one would want their dream to shine like a star, not fizzle out like one. Avoid at all costs.
RATING: 0.5 out of 5"