"I felt like I was watching something that could be akin to a video game produced by the United States Army (or maybe something from Clancy). The maneuvers seems like those that I have seen in training films, historical films, et cetera. The action is what is important, not the character development, think of this movie as one 90 minute examination of modern day combat against terrorists around the world. It isn't Shakespeare, but it isn't meant to be. Don't expect intricate dialogue and philosophy.
The story was not that bad of a story, in my opinion, at least it wasn't the Rambo "I can shoot a thousand bullets and hit every one of the enemies, and then they shoot a thousand toward me, and not hit me once" mentality of some movies out there. The movie is not a perfect movie, I wont say that it is. The story deals with terrorists and how terrorists can be found anywhere and everywhere just like real life. This isn't paranoia, this is brutal fact that there is always danger against freedom.
The torture scene, I wish to point out, is not realistic. The torture of humans is a bit more complex and a lot more bloody, though I find its inclusion in the film a good point to be made--that all these liberals whine that America "tortures" our captives, when the Islamic fanatics (not to be confused by the more peaceful Islamic) go all out of their way to torture people, especially those who are Christians (which does happen, Islamic fanatical countries do go out of their way to torture and brutally kill Christians).
Most of all what I appreciate about this movie is that it doesn't degrade the military like Hollywood tries to do in so many ways these days. For Hollywood, anyone who fights against terrorism anywhere and at any time is considered "evil" and "intolerant" simply because they are trying to protect our freedom from these criminals (then again calling terrorists criminals is "intolerant" anyway, or so says the liberal media). The men who live and die and fight another day for we who are at the home front should always be respected and honored."
A Definite SKIP for 2006!
T. A. Turner | MD, USA | 01/25/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I was drawn in by the professional looking cover and jacket photos. Little did I know that was the best of the movie.
ACTING: Theresa Randle was completely unbelievable as a military chopper pilot, and Rutger Hauer was equally unbelievable as a Marine general. Both lacked emotion and urgency in their portrayals, while Randle's character was flat (at least figuratively) and a whimp, Hauer's was dumpy and, well, also a whimp (I can not imagine that any self-respecting Marine would appreciate this movie). The acting of most of the secondary characters, including most of those portraying the terrorists was also lame and un-noteworthy.
TECHNICAL: The film was clearly shot with quality equipment, while many of the sound effects were as poor as the acting. In fact, at some points sound effects were left out, like when Capt. Jennings (Randle) karate kicks one of the terrorist guards, the sound of the kick is non-existent. The film avoids showing graphic violence, but does so in such a way that makes the movie appear to be simply budget.
STORY: The story is weak, with many things happening without apparent motivation, reason, or even any degree of retro-explanation. If you pick up this DVD and read the back ccover, you will know as much about the movie as if you'd wasted the entire 91 minutes watching the disc.
Well, except you might still think Randle and Hauer are decent actors...
Seriously though, resist the slick and compelling packaging, and hunt for anything else besides Eagle One!
Just when I thought I had seen the worst movie ever...
Joshua D. Wooten | Charleston, SC | 08/11/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Another failure for "Nanofilms"! I wish I had their address so that I could send them the $7.00 that it cost to make this movie. If someone could please have Rutger give me a call so that I can make sure he has enough money to eat. This movie was so poorly directed, I would be surprised if that director still has a job. For those who gave it a great review, I will give you a number for your nearest military recruiter. This movie showed an utter lack of respect for this country's military and especially the USMC. If you enjoy watching movies, save yourself the time and money and DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE."
The Hunt For Eagle One Sucks
White Wolf | Kuwait | 07/24/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I would not even rate this movie a 1 star. This is the most ridiculus movie I have ever watched. I wasted $17.99 on this I could have used the money and given it to the Red Cross. This was the worst action movie i have ever seen."
Tim Hanson | STL , MO | 01/23/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This movie was as bad as it could get. The action was unreal and didn't really include any good acting. Throughout the whole movie there was a lot of shooting, and that's about it. It actually got really annoying with the same sound automatic rifle repeating over and over and over. I actually knew what was going to happen just by watchin a few minutes of it, it was pretty predictable. It doesn't really draw the viewer in and you almost don't even care what happens to the main character. It's also pretty low budget, so dont be fooled by the interesting lookin scene photos on the back of the DVD."