Born in a tribe of fierce warrior women Hundra (Laurene Landon; Airplane II Armed Response Maniac Cop Wicked Stepmother) has been raised to despise the influence of men. An archer fighter and sword fighter Hundra is superi... more »or to any male. Hundra finds her family slain and takes a vow of revenge until one day she meets her match.Often referred to as the "Female Conan" this rip-roaring sword and sorcery piece with erotic overtones gallops along to a thunderous score by Ennio Morricone. Hundra as played with tongue firmly in cheek by Laurene Landon is a fun ride through the magical world inhabited by Conan Red Sonja and many other sword wielders of their ilk.Extras:Full-length commentary track with director Matt Cimber and star Laurene LandonMaking-Of featuretteCast and crew biosBONUS SOUNDTRACK CD with Ennio Morricone's original scoreFormat: DVD MOVIE Genre: ACTION/ADVENTURE UPC: 858964001225 Manufacturer No: 17« less
"This feminist version of Conan the Barbarian from the 80s got lost in the shuffle when the director, who had a distribution agreement with Universal, went behind the studio's back to see if he could get a better deal. He should have just taken Big U's deal so people could get to see this cool movie. Laurene Landon is hot as the title character out to avenge the pillaging of her tribe. Does her own stunts and swordplay. Landon is a terribly overlooked action actress. Maybe this dvd release of one of her best films will give audiences a chance to see her shine. What we need now is a dvd release of her follow-up, the serial tribute Yellowhair and the Fortress of Gold. Here's to a Laurene Landon revival!"
Thunda in the Tundra with Hundra
Mike Boas | Rochester, NY | 07/28/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Hundra has great locations and production value (leftovers from the previous year's Conan the Barbarian), plus a score by Ennio Morricone. The story, the acting, and (most unfortunately) the action are less than stellar. It's essentially a women's lib Barbarian epic. Hundra is a woman without a people -- her Amazonian tribe gets wiped out in a scene swiped from Conan -- so she goes on a quest to find a man. That's right, she'll repopulate her people one female baby at a time. Along the way, she learns that most men are pigs, but occasionally they can be sensitive and good-hearted... how sweet. After picking up make-up tips from a slave/priestess, she returns the favor by passing on some fight moves. Really, though, Hundra's fight scenes lack punch. There's no technique to the brawling, and this lack of precision ultimately hurts the film. The new Subversive Cinema DVD has a documentary, "Hunting Hundra," a commentary, a new comic book (!), and a bonus soundtrack disc. The operatic music is Morricone's repurposing of works by Verde, and it suits the swordplay genre perfectly."
Hundra, the ancestor of "Red Sonia"
Uspud2 | Liège, Belgium EUR | 07/16/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This film, with a slaugther of warrior women at the beginning and an other (smallest) at the end, can be comparate to the scenario of 1985 "red Sonia" with Birgit Nielssen in place of Laureen Landon. An other comparative point: the awfully hyper noisy music in "under-ride of the Walkyries" manner by Ennio Morricone !!!"
Deserves to be better known
E E Knight | Oak Park, IL United States | 01/28/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"In a decade filled with forgettable sword and sorcery epics, Hundra ranks near the top, in my opinion. There's convincing action, especially from the beautiful and athletic Laurene Landon, decent widescreen cinematography, a serviceable score, and a story paced mostly at the gallop. It's appropriately bloody and there's an element of cheeze, yes, especially around the John Norman-inspired Bull Cult, but it's one of the few S&S epics to hold not only my own but my wife's interest. Even the dog "Beast" has a story arc. I'm taking one star away because the battle scene at the end, though satisfying, didn't quite live up to the spectacle and creativity of the raid at the beginning, but I understand from the commentary they were shooting in sequence and ran low on money.
Give this one a try. If you're open minded and like swordplay and Errol Flynn-style derring-do, I think you'll be pleased."
Lovely Honeybee "Hundra" with Quite a Sting +++
Kevin Kiersky | Olympia, WA USA | 08/21/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I chose this movie DVD, along with another one starring Laurene Landon ["Yellow Hair"], when in quite an odd mood -- "wanting to see something like Conan/Red Sonya" -- but feeling that those were too well known to me -- familiarity having bred my contempt. I had seen some large unknown portion of the Conan/Red Sonya movie-series in a small cinema [during a mini-marathon of the Conan/Red Sonya shows]. I was there, while with "buzzed" friends having a good time [until then], at a Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Gaming Convention. We all walked-out, after some long while, in amused but heavy disgust, to another mini-marathon cinema room.
I had read somewhere online [some martial arts blog] about Laurene Landon being interesting -- very lovely, strong and athletic -- insisting on doing her own stunts and martial arts -- hand-to-hand, sword-to-sword or bow-and-arrows. I have a "soft-spot" for a "hard-case" like Laurene Landon. Well, to my happy surprise, Laurene Landon indeed is lovely, strong and athletic -- doing her action for as real as such movie-fantasy allows. Why, she is as "bad" [or for real] as Jackie Chan -- dancing around on cliffs and roofs -- and jumping out into space, into water, onto horses, or just onto dangerous ground. She seems to like whips, ropes, kicks, punches, head-butts and throws as much as Jackie Chan too. And, she obviously has as much happy fun during her dialog and action. This all goes for both "Hundra" and "Yellow Hair" -- and some other work of Laurene Landon.
As for "Hundra" in particular -- it really is like very-well-done Conan/Red Sonya sword-and-sorcery. Which is not too surprising -- as "Red Sonya" is stated by both producers to be an attempt to upstage "Hundra". "Hundra" was made just after "Conan" using simular settings and much of the same production material [clothes, items and props]. I feel that "Hundra" is uniquely fine-and-fun -- indeed upstaging other movies in its genre -- including "Red Sonya". Why "Hundra" [her and the whole show] even stays very interesting, colorful and fun -- with great grand scenery and music -- while a "new-balance" of diversity, equality, and especially feminism, is "worked-on" and "worked-out". So gals and guys can easily enjoy this Sword-and-Sorcery. Mean Macho Men-aces BEWARE -- "Hundra" gonna collect yo' hair -- and have FUN too +++"