If you liked Firefly, and a can accept this is a $2m indie,
Stokie Dave | 09/01/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Considering this had a low-budget of just $2m ($3m if you add the marketing) it's a remarkably cohesive and fun film. Certainly the best indie SF B-movie I've seen since Immortal - and I daresay people will have similarly mixed reactions to it. These days we're all dazzled by the gloss and audience-measured plotlines of $50m epics, I suspect, and so we gripe when we see some indie grit. But if you can get past that, there's a decent entertainment to be had here. Overall the film feels rather like a long episode of Firefly, only with a 'reveal' that the Reavers were just bluffing and are actually the long-time immortal overlords of humanity rather than space brigands. But Humanity's End sprinkles that Firefly mix with the humanised-robots from Battlestar Galactica, and a few small touches of Star Wars (not much, just a Han Solo-alike, and some Scout Walker-alikes). The introduction to the film, narrating the history of humanity for seven minutes, has a rather poor choice of stock images and an annoying narrator - I would have thought any budding fantasy artist would have been happy to apply their skills here at little cost. But after the introduction, there's a lot to like. Except in a few explosions and laser-fire, the world of the film looks believable. The plot is a little stretched at times, especially towards the end, and I would have thought a little more SF inventiveness could have added a few subtle twists and thus avoided some illogicality. And the films threatens to bog down a little in the middle with an appropriately SF love-triangle, but the acting manages to keep it afloat. The acting throughout is convincing, and I can't understand other reviews that moan that the acting is very poor. So, some of the baddies are hamming it up - but it comes with the territory. The dialogue might have been snappier, but the writers seem to have taken useful tips from Joss Whedon, and they're obviously trying their best. My test of a solid SF B-movie is - would I watch it again. I'd watch Humanity's End again, and happily. I'm not sure I'd watch it a third time, though."
Interesting Premise - Primal Themes
D. Hall | 10/02/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
We've become a cynical viewing public, disuading all but the studio blockbusters from even attempting special effects films. I found this feature to be insightful and enlightening. The struggle for the truth of human existence and particularly a (rare) focus on women's issues makes this production a standout. Examining the mother/nurturer vs. conquering warrior themes in women is a refreshing departure from the typical sci-fi plot structure, and I appreciate the spotlight on women for a change! Jay Laisne was a perfect tragic hero. Again, focus was placed not just on the sexy savy hero flirting with disaster, but also on deeper layers of ambition and man's sense of identity and purpose.
The music was absolutely gorgeous and created a frame for the narrative. And the lighting and effects were enough for this viewer to suspend disbelief. I think it is sad that viewers have become so jaded that special effects comparisons even have to be made. Remember the very first Star Trek shows? I accepted every bit of it. And, compared to today's technology, one could easily criticize those special effects too.
At the end of the day, it's the story. And this one is thought provoking and provocative. I'd recommend it!
Too many people are missing the point here!!
Sgt Jim Harman | Leon County Florida USA | 11/19/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Either this movie was intentionally cast, directed and filmed to be campy perfection, or it's one of the most amazing coincidences ever.
Each role was perfectly acted, being either over or under-played. The FX were so inconsistent and the melodramatic musical score was spot on! It was so bad it was good!!!
They took something from every space opera, space western, space drama and space comedy ever written and combined it into the most ridiculous, outrageously schlocky 50's style B movie I could imagine. I found myself laughing out loud at the stereotypical characters and the bizarre plot line developments, even when main characters died. There was no sympathy for them, because they were TRYING to be annoying and obnoxious. But I DO admire the folks who put this together....... I believe they did all of this on purpose and it turned out precisely as they intended!!! It's unhinged brilliance at it's finest. I just don't think most folks recognized it as a spoof of itself!!
The only way this movie could be improved upon is for the MST3K crew to screen it from the SOL!!!!!"