Bela Lugosi gives one of his finest portraits of evil in this adaptation of Edgar Wallace's terror-thriller-mystery THE DARK EYES OF LONDON. A series of 'drownings' have Scotland Yard baffled. One common denominator; the d... more »ead men were heavily insured through a particular brokerage firm...and all the policies were paid off. Larry Hold, a Scotland Yard detective, and a visiting American cop from Chicago get on the trail and, with the help of the daughter of one of the dead men, discover a horrifying cause to the so-called 'accidents/suicides.' Behind it all is a human monster, a doctor who is using a home for blind men as a front for his nightmarish activities. His main tool is a gargoyle-like brute who eventually becomes the madman's downfall. The tension mounts as the plot develops in the best thriller tradition with danger lurking at every turn and a hairs-breath escape or two thrown in to season the recipe. Filmed in England, this one reeks with atmosphere, with the proceedings dominated by Bela Lugosi as the fiend more diabolical than any criminal the Scotland Yard has encountered. Bonus features include: Extensive Poster and Photo Gallery, Original U.S. Re-issue Theatrical Trailer, Archival Video 'Intimate Interview with Bela Lugosi', Liner Notes written by film historian Patrick McCabe, Commentary Track by noted film historian, author and Bela Lugosi expert, Gary Don Rhodes, Commentary Track by film historian David del Valle and author, screenwriter and monster kid, Phoef Sutton« less