Hulk Vs. Wolverine & Hulk Vs. Thor = Great Violence and Inte
Ellen R. Fissel | South Mountain, PA USA | 12/19/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Hulk Vs. is so far the best animated film created by Marvel. Both short films are full of graphic violence, great animation, and the characters are played as they should be. Even the storylines are great in this DVD!
Hulk Vs. Wolverine: Logan is assigned to take down the monstrous Hulk as he tears apart the Canadian countryside. Or is it really the Hulk alone who is causing all the damage? Wolverine soon finds out that Sabretooth, Omega Red, Lady DeathStrike, and Deadpool have been hunting the Hulk for the Weapon X program and attempt to use the most powerful monster on the planet as a weapon. But Lady DeathStrike and the others have other plans.
Hulk Vs. Thor: Odin is asleep and it seems that all of Asgard's enemies have been defeated. But Loki has captured Bruce Banner and plans to unleash the Hulk and destroy Thor. But can Loki truelly control such a savage and powerful monster? For not even Thor nor any God has the strength or the power to stop the Hulk!
My addvice, buy this DVD set. If you are true fan of the core material of the comics, then this DVD is for you. However, beware it is extremely graphic and should not be seen by those under the age of 13. The bonous features are a great treat and plus we get a look at Thor: Tales Of Asgard. So, what are you waiting for? Buy now and enjoy!"
Hulk smashes Marvel's previous animated films...
Rambo Lunchbox | 01/15/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"As a superhero fan, I was going to watch this regardless, but after the lackluster animated releases Marvel has put out so far, I didn't have my expectations set too high.
However, Hulk Vs. is by far the best animated Marvel film yet. I think the fact that they split them up into 2 approx. half hour shorts helped tremendously, keeping the plot moving and the action tight. Both episodes felt like they could've easily been a stand-alone issue of a comic book, with all the heroes keeping in character.
Hulk Vs. Wolverine is the standout, and sets a new standard in brutal cartoon violence (for a PG-13 rating of course). We are treated to some great Wolverine back-story, right out of the Weapon X storyline, some hardcore Wolverine vs. Hulk fighting (which seemed like a combo of Wolverine's first appearance in the Hulk comic and the more recent Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine mini-series) and some great appearances by fan-favorite villains like Sabretooth, Omega Red, Lady Deathstrike, and Deadpool.
Hulk Vs. Thor was surprisingly entertaining, but being as I'm not that much of a Thor fan, I enjoyed the Wolverine story more. That's not to say this wasn't a good episode, and I ultimately enjoyed it more than I expected. Both films had excellent animation and fantastic voice-work. Good writing, all by people who were obvious fans of the core material.
I highly recommend Hulk Vs. It's two great stand-alone episodes that seem like they could be part of a larger universe. Hopefully Marvel realizes this and begins adapting popular comic book arcs like Secret Invasion, Secret War, or Spider-Man Reign..."
Reviewing: "Hulk VS."
Kevin Tipple | Plano, Texas | 02/15/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
""HULK VS." is a 2-disc special edition featuring "Hulk vs. Wolverine" and "Hulk vs. Thor" animated movies. Released from Lionsgate there are numerous previews, various audio commentaries, and of course the actual movies.
Disc 1 contains "Hulk vs. Wolverine" (PG-13) and is 37 minutes long. Hulk is tearing up the Canadian country side and Wolverine is sent to stop him. The movie opens with Hulk and Wolverine battling. After the title and credit sequence the movie goes back to four hour earlier when Wolverine was brought in by helicopter to the small town of Elkford that was destroyed by Hulk. The Canadian military wants Wolverine to stop Hulk. If he can't be stopped then Wolverine is to kill him before he harms another town or city. The chase is on with Wolverine finding a lot more than expected including other foes in the Canadian wildness.
Disc 1 also contains audio commentaries with Craig Kyle, Chris Yost, Frank Paur, Kevin Altieri and Butch Lukic. There is also a first look at "Wolverine And The X-Men" coming in April along with a making of "Hulk vs. Wolverine" feature. There is also a feature about the "Hulk vs. Wolverine" world premiere at the San Diego Comic Con last year and a question and answer deal there at the convention.
The 45 minute Disc 2 features "Hulk vs. Thor" (PG-13) and is the story of Loki trying to destroy his stepbrother, Thor. The movie opens with another colorful credit sequence before taking us to the realm of the eternal: Asgard. Long ruled and protected by Odin all is well and the cycle continues. Every winter Odin must sleep and leaves things unprotected for seven days and that is when the wicked come. Thor leads the defense against the siege of darkness. Dr. Banner is spirited in by Loki so that he can be forced to become the Hulk and used to finally destroy, Thor. But, Hulk is not a weapon that can be controlled for long and the repercussions for all will be epic.
This disc also features audio commentary with Craig Kyle, Chris Yost, Frank Paur, Sam Liu and James Peters. Like the much bloodier and brutal "Hulk vs. Wolverine" disc, this disc also has a making of the feature and a first look feature at the next movie in the series. This one is on "Thor: Tales of Asgard" coming out on DVD this fall. There is also a feature on Jack Kirby and his artwork with Thor.
The result is two very different movies that continue the legendary Marvel characters while providing plenty of back story. The animation is detailed as are the complicated story lines creating a viewing experience sure to please old and young alike.
Kevin R. Tipple (COPYRIGHT)2009
"By The Light Of The Moon"
The Carpathian Shadows Volume 2
"Hulk smash claw people!!"
H. Bala | Carson - hey, we have an IKEA store! - CA USA | 03/08/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Hulk, his essence being that of always having a mad on, has had repeated run-ins with several of the other Marvel characters. There's his classic battles with the Thing, but Ben Grimm's not in here so let's put that aside. While I don't really recall the Hulk having much of a rivalry with Thor, Wolverine is another matter. Wolverine made his debut in the Hulk's comic book (issue #181) and these two have had a history since then, most of it not lovey-dovey. HULK VS. WOLVERINE and HULK VS. THOR are companion pieces - two short animated direct-to-dvd films, respectively 37 minutes and 45 minutes long - and are showcases not for intricate plotting and exposition but for meaty, hard-hitting, down-and-dirty fighty fights.
So Wolverine is the best there is at what he does, and here what Wolverine does best is get the Canuck pounded out of him. As HULK VS. WOLVERINE takes place, Logan is still a ways away from his stint with the X-Men. Here, he's still under orders from Department H, which sends him to investigate a creature which has crossed into Canada and annihilated a tiny town. And this sets up the first meet between Wolverine and the Hulk, as they face off in the Canadian wilds. The tussle follows its logical course, with the Hulk mostly getting the better licks in. I'd never seen Wolverine go painfully airborne so many times, at the behest of the Hulk's mighty haymakers. But then their fun bag of hurt is interrupted by Logan's old pals from the Weapon X program...
There is some serious violence featured in both HULK VS. WOLVERINE and HULK VS. THOR, and both films are most definitely NOT recommended for the young kids. In VS. WOLVERINE, with its free-for-all monster vs. monsters theme (even Logan doesn't come off as so noble) and with just about every character endowed with a healing factor, the storytellers are able to cut loose with the extremely brutal action sequences. Arms get ripped off or sliced off. People get gutted. And Logan calls everyone "Bub," except for Bruce Banner, whom he calls "Weepy." But it's cool that ferocious, remorseless fighters like Wolverine and the Hulk aren't restrained to PG-rated patty cake stuff.
Happy fun time for Wolverine fans as he's featured heavily in this one, his origins getting a good once over and with particular focus on his involvement with Weapon X. This story is set not too far removed from those days, and so what we get is a Logan who's even more hardcore than he is with the X-Men. Check out the way he induces Banner's transformation into the Hulk.
It's pretty neat seeing the other messed-up characters from Weapon X. Lady Deathstrike is as formidable as I remember her, while the merrily insane, scene-stealing Deadpool absolutely brings down the house with his hilarious one-liners. The levity he injects into this very grim movie is most welcome. And, by the way, do yourself a favor and stick around for a brief but funny post-end credits sequence.
Segueing now to Norse mythology. Apparently, it's all about Odin the All-Father. Odin's power is what safeguards Asgard, the Realm Eternal and home to the Norse gods. Except that once a winter the All-Father must rest, must spend a cycle of time in Odinsleep. At this time Asgard is at its most vulnerable, a most inauspicious time for its warriors, most especially when a rampaging Hulk shows up. It's all a plan of Loki's, of course, the god of mischief and the Thor-scorned Enchantress working dark enchantments to separate Bruce Banner from his always cheesed off alter ego. This division renders the Hulk at his most mindless and savage, become pure rage incarnate, and he makes short work of the pantheon of Norse gods.
Here's one example of these two films working in harmony, balancing each other. While VS. WOLVERINE feels gritty and dark, VS. THOR, even at only 45 minutes, has an epic tone. Gods are featured here, and frost giants, valkyries, the Warriors Three, the enchanted hammer Mjolnir, and the rainbow bridge, so immediately the story feels larger than life, but then factor in too the widescreen scenery and the bright colors. And, above all else, Thor, the god of thunder, who is so noble I feel like I should hate on him on principle. The Hulk goes thru Asgard's protectors as violently and easily as chimichangas go thru my dyspeptic grandmother. And, yes, the Hulk also batters Thor into pancake, in fact punches him thru a mountain. Thor is clearly worried about the Hulk ("This is no immortal evil that we face now. The Hulk has come to Asgard."). It's pretty intense, seeing the god of thunder being pummeled this badly, and I reiterate what's said in the audio commentary: "It says something, when a god... is afraid of you."
The resolution, of course, is easy to figure out, but I like that Bruce Banner wants no part of it. While I dig the Hulk, I'm not a fan of Bruce Banner. Note that in these two short films, he doesn't come away in a flattering light, presented as this tormented dude all weepy and sniveling. Anyway, if you've ever enjoyed Jack Kirby and Walt Simonson's takes on Thor and Asgard, then HULK VS. THOR'll put a grin on your mug.
This is a two disc package. Disc one has the HULK VS. WOLVERINE short animated film and the following special features: two audio commentaries (one by producer/co-writer Craig Kyle & co-writer Chris Yost, the other by supervising director/producer Frank Paur and storyboard artists Kevin Altieri & story Butch Lukic); "This Is Gonna Hurt" - the 20-minute-long Making Of HULK VS. WOLVERINE; Fan Frenzy: 2008 Comic Con - a Q & A panel with cast & crew (8 minutes long); and a first look at the television animated series WOLVERINE & X-MEN.
Disc two has the HULK VS. THOR short animated film and the following special features: two audio commentaries (one by Craig Kyle & Chris Yost, the other by Frank Paur, director Sam Lui & colorist James Peters); "Of Gods And Monsters" - the 18-minute-long Making Of HULK VS. THOR; Jack Kirby + Thor - various folks talk about artist Jack Kirby's influence on the look and feel of Thor; and a first look at the upcoming THOR: TALES OF ASGARD (about Thor when he was a youth).
I actually think that having these short running times was a good thing. HULK VS. WOLVERINE and VS. THOR are more impactful, get their plots rapidly moving, and benefits from a lack of dead spots. The voice acting is really good and the animation is terrific and fitting for each respective film: the rough-and-tumble grit of HULK VS. WOLVERINE, the archaic majesty and might versus might of HULK VS. THOR. In any case, both moods succeed in drawing you in. And, if you're like me, you'll end up in Blissville as the Hulk resentfully smashes about him like the world is one huge Whack-a-Mole, Wolverine unleashes his claws to do some serious damage, and Thor keeps on talking funny. I say to thee, awesomeness!!"
A genuine Hulk SMASH!
trashcanman | Hanford, CA United States | 01/31/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Well, it looks like Marvel has finally hit it's animation groove. After some solid 90's series, Marvel fell way behind while DC came out with a blitz of top-notch cartoons like Batman - The Animated Series and Justice League that easily blew away the competition. Straight to video releases from both comic giant have failed to be extraordinary. That seems to have changed at least on Marvel's end. The glut of recent animated works that match the quality of blockbusters like Iron Man has this geek foaming at the mouth. It seems as though Marvel has finally stopped trying to appease the masses and is giving the fans what they want. And what we want is quality animation written by comic book writers and produced by genuine comic book geeks. "Hulk Vs" consists of two (around) 40 minute films intended for hardcore fans that packs tons of action, creative direction, top-of-the-line voice acting, flawless representations of classic characters, and doesn't skimp on the violence either. There are tons of references and homages to classic moments from the comics that are sure to please as well. This is what I want to see when I watch an animated comic book adaptation. End of story.
The two discs in this set are divided one film plus bonus features for each DVD. First up: Wolverine. This is far and away the best of the two. The true title should be "Wolverine Is A Total Bada$z With The Coolest Villains And Plus He Fights The Hulk". Logan is sent in to take down The Hulk dead or alive. "Sounds like fun" is his reply. The first encounter between the two icons is violent, bloody, and just plain sweet. I'm talking knock-down, drag-out, stab a motherfudger in the heart, leap onto his back using adamantium claws to dig in and stabilize yourself, bashing somebody into the ground and keep on pounding, dislocated joints, blood everywhere, and the whole whammy. Hard frickin' core. And that's all before the bad guys show up. Sabretooth ring a bell? How about Omega Red? Cool, right? add a truly psychotic Lady Deathstrike to that mix. Oh, and did I mention the animated debut of DEADPOOL, my very favorite character in all of comicdom?! This guy makes this film for me even more than the awesome action scenes. He is the Merc with the Mouth and he's exactly as he should be; wise-cracking, gun-blasting, trash-talking, and a$z-kicking. If you don't laugh at him struggling to piece together his trisected arm (healing factor) while pitched battle rages around him you are a sad, sad person. This is at least one fanboy's dream come true. Other moments of note include Hulk's battle with Deathstrike (doesn't end so well for the cyborg assassin; you will wince) and the look on Sabretooth's face when he turns to see an especially angry Hulk bearing down on him full-tilt.
5 stars, easy. And don't skip out on the credits, either.
The second disc is not nearly as amazing, but still geektacular and a first in that it takes place entirely in Asgard, home of the gods. Here, the Allfather Odin sleeps his periodical slumber during which all of the evil hordes of the realm unleash their full might to attempt to take the kingdom while the king of the gods cannot defend it. That's where our hero comes in, the God of Thunder himself, Thor Odinson. Having sent the forces of evil packing yet again, the heroes of Asgard prepare for some rest and await Odin's awakening. But Thor's evil half-brother Loki has one more trick up his sleeve. Combining his own magic with Enchantress's, he is able to bring Bruce Banner to Asgard, separate him from The Hulk, and place Big Green under his direct control. This is not really "Hulk Vs Thor" This is "Hulk Vs. Asgard". Thor Odinson, verily thy might fared thee not well against the green behemoth's Fedoresque ground-and-pound. This is awesome if you're a Hulk fan, and not so much if you are a Thor fan. Come on, the dude's a GOD. Only cosmic entities should have near the juice to send him to death's door. But hey, minor complaint. We all know that these head-to-heads are little more than popularity contests anyways. Soon, Hulk breaks Loki's control and then he is everybody's problem. Too bad the God of Mischief sent Banner to the underworld. Now nobody can rein the monster in. Not Volstagg, nor Fandral, Hogun, and Balder, not Sif and Enchantress put together or Asgard's entire army, not one Frost Giant and not two. HULK SMASH EVERYONE! Very cool, but more emphasis on Thor's power would have served the fans much better.
4 stars
Two animated comic book movies done right, one great price. Don't be a dope; if you have any interest in comics whatsoever, buy it. Special features include outstanding making-of featurettes for both, multiple commentaries for both, a tribute to Jack Kirby's groundbreaking work on the Thor comic, interviews and footage from the Comic-con premier of "Hulk Vs. Wolverine", and special looks at an upcoming animated Thor project and
"Wolverine and the X-Men" which having seen the first 3 episodes I can safely say is the most exciting adaptation of the mutant superhero team yet. Every single one of these special features is well worth your time. This all adds up to my idea of a perfect set.
4 1/2 stars with bonus points for exceptional special features for a well-earned 5 stars. Keep the quality coming!