Definitely not what I expected
N. Degener | Bergenfield, NJ USA | 04/08/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I ordered this DVD expecting a low-impact workout based on traditional hula. I did not expect this weird hybrid dance incorporating the mashed potato and other totally non-hula moves (that are high impact and bouncy) set to really hokey music (Hula Rock Momma...gak!).While you do get some introduction to each of the hula steps, they really aren't broken down just have to hope for the best. On the tiny bit of good side, the other production values are decent...this production company seems to like to have the intructor do a voice-over, rather than actually talk during the workout, but I think the purpose of this is (as I found in the special features section) that you can turn off the voice track and just have the music. But with music this hokey, who'd want to do that? The setting is gorgeous and the instructor is obviously a real hula dancer, but I was expecting something more traditional and not some bizarre hybridization with country linedancing.I'm returning my set, because I cannot do high-impact workouts due to an injury. So if you're looking for low-impact, look elsewhere and if you're looking for anything resembling traditional hula, again look elsewhere."
Not what I thought it would be
maureena | Peabody, MA USA | 06/12/2003
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Yes, this video does teach a 'Hula Workout' and appears to have clear instructions. However, the music is atrocious. I was looking forward to some traditional Hawaiian music, the reason that I thought this workout would be fun, but the whole thing is set to a heinous track called "Hula Rock" which sounds like a lightly Hawaiian flavored takeoff of a fifties bee-bop style song. I watched this once, and couldn't even get through the thing. The music really ruins this experience."
Great workout, but not serious hula
charlotte simmons | 01/17/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This hula workout video was fun and effective, strengthening thighs, abs and buns. It was unique, and the setting was lovely. Kili has a sweet voice and manner about her. For those looking to seriously study hula, though, keep moving. The music was really one song which was hula meets oldies meets old country. This would appeal to people who like oldies, but left me cold. Not all the moves are hula, and even includes the mashed potato. All in all, very little culture was included in this workout video. Good for belly dancers, already educated hula dancers,and other hip swivellers looking for a unique workout."
jan | Pittsburgh, PA United States | 05/09/2003
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I, too, expected something quite different. I wanted a fill-in tape to work my hips and thighs in a slow-paced manner. I expected beautiful Hawaiian music, not the goofy Hula Rock. Now I'm on an internet search for another hula tape, but it seems so far that Kili's tapes are the only ones in existence. I go through the instructional parts where the steps are broken down and do this several times, fast-forwarding through the Hula Rock. While I do learn the steps, I definitely didn't get my money's worth."