When Jon-Jon?s rich uncle goes out of town for the weekend, he and his two best friends plan a house party that no one will ever forget. but will they be able to get the house back together before the man of the house get... more »s home. Starring hip-hop's IMx.« less
"This movie was nothing like the first three house party's, which I thought where funny. This movie was terible!!!! Immature doesn't play the same characters that they played in House Party 3. The whole point of the movie is the party and they don't even show much of it. And it wasn't very funny. I dont know why they even named it House party 4. This movie is a messed up copy of Ferris Buellers Day Off, but instead of going out on the town they through a party. Don't waste your money on this DVD. If your a big IMX fan you might like it. I think IMX rocks, just not in this movie...."
Worst sequel of the year
Illuminati | 01/06/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The whole entire sequel of house party 4 has turned upside down
because after house party 3 finally suceeded in the box office,
Kid 'n Play had been pushed out from the film and replaced them
for iMx.To tell you the truth,House party 4 is considered a
dismal failure."
Very low budget movie
(1 out of 5 stars)
"this has to one of the most corniest made-for T.V. movies ever. The acting is horrible, the actors are well known people but they definently were not on point in this movie. I also hated that corny classical ballad that kept on playing throughout the movie. Overrall, A VERY BAD MOVIE!!"
Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Jeffrey T. Kane | Forest Hills, NY United States | 09/21/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I was actually in jail doing time for a DWI when somebody put this movie on the TV in my cellblock. I had no choice but to watch it since I was locked in my cell and there was really nothing else to do.
Any vision of hell or torment ever imagined could not compare to the experience of watching this film. The lead actor is by far the most unlikeable person to have ever been born of a human female.
This movie is just beyond garbage. But to be fair the scene of Meagan Goode applying lotion to her legs is hot enough to redeem it."
Illuminati | Detroit, MI | 05/15/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"BAD-BAD-BAD.... Down to the last second! It's time for Hollywood and everyone else involved in this stinker of a fiasco to JUST LET IT GO! The House Party legacy didn't deserve to be desecrated like this movie does.
Poor scripting, (or shall I say the lack thereof) coupled with awful acting (in some cases OVER acting) Makes for 79 minutes of pure GARBAGE, I've seen pigs eating better slop than this. What a complete waste of time and $$$.... Save yours!!! .......I threw mine away! ......But after one viewing I did the same to this DVD."