Commercial For Soundtracks Or Horror For A New Demographic?
CaptHowdy | Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada | 08/27/2000
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I've always been a big fan on Full Moon pictures for as long as I can remember. The production company tends to like to create side companies to produce films in different particular genres. The Horrible Dr. Bones is under their 'Alchemy Entertainment' (Urban Sci-Fi, Fantasy, & Horror) label. I always try to check them out even though I always end up just liking their main 'Full Moon' labelled films.The Horrible Dr. Bones is the story of a voodooish D.J. who wants to take over the world through subliminal messages mixed in music. While all the actors in the film did a great job, the amount of music squeezed into the film really took away from any type of story development. Halfway through the film you feel like you are watching a promo video for the record company (soundtrack is available).The film itself could have been so much more interesting if they didn't stock so much music in it. It was interesting to see a horror film geared for the black demographic. There are so few out there (how many films have heavy metal soundtracks with all white teenagers?). I really enjoyed what this could possibly develop into for the genre. Music and horror do compliment each other, so by now targeting an entire new fan base, Alchemy Entertainment hopefully will succeed in recruiting new fans of horror that previously had no interest in it.The DVD had some technical issues. While the music sounded great and was nice and loud, the vocal track was too low. It was hard to hear the actors. If you turned up the volume to hear it, the next time music was played, it was too overpowering. Also, while not really an issue, the DVD is mislabelled on the disc. A double sided disc, the film is on one side and 45 trailers are on the other (most of Full Moon's catalogue). When I placed the film in I could only access the trailers, I flipped it over and the film was on the other side. Basically they accidentally reversed the labels. Overall an interesting film, if only they'd cut back on the push to sell their soundtrack music."
The Horrible Dr. Bones isn't too horrible at all.
gunther | cranston, Rhode Island USA | 07/11/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a surprisingly entertaining and inventive zombie tale with strong performances, a campy comic book style to it, and nifty FX. The music used to pad the film isn't too shabby either. My only complaint was that the zombies were too simplistic. There was no make-up on the actors who played the zombies at all with the exception of bloody, stiched up eyes (which are covered with dark sunglasses most of the time anyway). There are two exceptions to this though. There is one scene where a zombie has a nasty, bloody face, and another one with a big bloody hole in his chest. Also, every now and then for no explained reason, Dr. Bones (who isn't a zombie) has a nasty scarred face which is pretty impressive. Bottom line: A good watch."
Something Different From Full Moon/Big City Pictures
froggod | 12/28/2000
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I really,really enjoyed the music in this movie. I feel that is really kept up with the tone of the movie. My 1 year old liked dancing to it, also. Anyways, about the movie. I love the fact that Full Moon as spun off another company thats focus is on Urban Horror Movies. Normally, in any Horror movie..any and every black person is killed off. That is not a cliche that is truth. Watch any horror movie. In these movies, there are really only black people as all the leads. The Horrible Dr. Bones was a very interesting movie to watch. It had its slower parts and it more engaging moments. Overall I would say it is a decent/Good movie. I own it! I owned it before even watching it, and I am glad that I do have it. I still have to get it on DVD though. The voodooish theme of the movie was very clear, however, not mentioned as voodoo. It dealt with Arcane mysterys and modern science to turn the living into zombies by subliminal messages in music. The specials effect weren't too, too bad. That smile that Dr. Bones gives to jamal is damn scary!! I really didnt like the ending with the "surprise Box" . Watch it to see what I mean...If there is a sequel, I will watch it. I hope it can keep up with the 1st though. I really would like to hear the whole soundtrack."