As featured on Good Morning America"Part dance, part exercise, and ALL FUN!" -- E! News — "Hoop dance works every major muscle group in your body" -- Los Angeles Times — "A fun alternative to mainstream exercise DVDs" -- Hou... more »ston Chronicle Discover hoopdance, an energizing, fat-burning cardio and muscle-sculpting workout that?s endlessly creative and incredibly sexy. It blends the fun of hooping, the sensuality of belly dance, and the urban energy of hip-hop to form a truly unique, liberating way to lose fat, pounds, and inches. Hoopdance is easy to learn and low impact. Great for balance, coordination, and stress reduction, too. Not a dancer? No problem. The hoop provides its own mesmerizing rhythm. So, grab a hoop and start having a blast! On this DVD: Waist hooping Moving around in the hoop Hip hooping Halos Passing & Floating Basic corkscrews Combinations Demonstration dance Requires an adult-sized hoop and about 8 square feet of clear space. Stills from Hoopnotica: Hoopdance Basics - Beginner, Level 1 (Click for larger image)« less
"Living where I do, taking an in-person hooping class just isn't an option, so this was the next best thing. I picked this DVD over the 'HoopGirl' DVD because I'd read elsewhere that there are 'troubleshooting' sections on this DVD that cover what you're probably doing wrong (and how to fix it) if you just aren't getting the move(s).
The DVD is well-edited, I can understand the instructor easily (even if my body is sometimes slow to catch on), and the troubleshooting sections are a definite help. My one minor quibble is that the menu could use a little more breaking down (it would be nice if I could choose which section of hip hooping that I wanted to go back to, for example), but I am still giving this DVD 5 stars because of the way the information is presented. I hope to be giving the Level 2 DVD a try in the near future. Can't wait!"
Learn the skills to find your own dance
A. K. Morning | Atlanta, GA | 12/08/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I wasn't a complete beginner when I put this DVD in. I was already hoopin it up on my waist, hips and a bit of my chest. I knew that once I learned to lift or "corkscrew" that my dance would be set free. Within a combined hour, I had learned to float with both hands as well as corkscrew with fluidity and beauty.
This DVD is fun, up beat, stimulating and well organized. The girls from Hoopnotica are excellent teachers. After the entire DVD was over, I was so happy and inspired that I continued dancing and playing in my hoop until my daughter woke from her nap. I highly recommend this DVD."
So much fun!
Girl414 | Des Moines, Iowa United States | 11/04/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is amazing. I ordered my hoop and dvd, and I cant stop moving. I can do this in the privacy of my living room and the dvd breaks down all the moves in an easy way. This dvd is not meant to be done from beginning to end in one session. You learn each step and practice, eventually you can put it all together and wahhh-laahh, you are a hooping queen (or king). Happy hooping."
Amazing! Have fun, feel sexy and get fit!
Dawn S. Cahill | New York, NY | 04/08/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I was a total beginner when I bought my hoop and this dvd. I must admit when I first spun that hoop around my waist, I was really discouraged and felt it would be too hard. I felt you needed a model body to even make it work. HOW WRONG I WAS! Ive been hooping for about 12 days and not only can I keep it up, I can start walking and turning. I foresee myself being able to hip hoop and more with continued practice.
The instructions are VERY clear and the troubleshooting section at the end of every segment is a HUGE plus. They know what you could be doing wrong and let you know how to correct it.
This is my first step to getting in shape - and while it wont be the answer to everything, I can hoop for 45 minutes, get my heart rate up, mop the sweat off my brows and my boyfriend loves watching every minute of it.
Buy it! Have fun! Feel great!"
Texas Mom | Dallas, Texas USA | 10/01/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a helpful DVD no doubt, but I learned how to hoop a couple of days before the DVD arrived by following some helpful videos on Google Videos. So by the time the I got the DVD, i knew how to work my 43" hoop. Never-the-less if you are contemplating about purchasing the DVD, go ahead and buy it - it is a good one - they teach excellent techniques - but the bodies of the women in the DVD gave me a complex about mine."