The man who could fly... but nobody was there to ground him.
Karim A. Abouseda | Fresno, California | 12/31/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Hook, by playground surrounders, was a playground legand, known for his ability in leaping over cars and dunking at the same time. Incredible and unbelievable as it sounds, there is footage on the dvd of him performing this. But that was before, before Hook had run ins with the law which landed him incarcerated for a good part of his young life. This Dvd is not about basketball at all, its about life. If reflects the life of a playground legand who allowed "life" to get the best of him. This film is created and released during his incarceration and release from prison.
There are many superstar basketball players (Kidd, Gooden, Payton) that are featured on this film that comment on their experiences as young teens living in the same area where Hook created his legend. All agreed that Hook was better than them all. This film helps young teens see that it doesnt depend on athletic ability alone, it also deals with the activities you choose to engage and surround yourself in, during the process of your sports career."