Entertaining look at the NHL's tougher players
A. T. K. williams | London, UK | 01/05/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As a life long hockey player (and fan), I have always appreciated the role and character of the hockey enforcer. This DVD takes a general look at the role of enforcing and in-depth looks into Darren McCarty, Eric Cairns; Jim McKenzie and Ian Laperierre. Each segment provides interesting insights into the psychology needed for such a tough role (excuse the pun) and are laced with humour (especially on the Lappy section). Oh, and their wives are hot too...
Well worth the 15 bucks."
Interesting Documentary
Corey D. Pomeroy | 03/28/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Overall, this is a solid NHL Production. It offers you insight into the role of endorcers, and lets you get to know McCarty, Lapierre, McKenzie, and Cairns on a personal level. The LaPierre part is very good. My only complaint is they could of found two better tough guys than Cairns or McKenzie. How about Georges Laraques or Matthew Barnaby? Anyways, DVD is only about an hour, not much on bonus features either. If your a hockey fan, you will enjoy the documentary though!"