Big Mistake to replace Macaulay Culkin with a different looking character!!! Do not waste your time watching this one!
Movie Reviews
Home Alone should have been left alone
Nuisance | Miami | 05/30/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I'll admit that I loved the first two Home Alone movies. They had a certain charm to them given the silliness of the story. This third installment oozes with something else other than charm. Everything that was great about the first two HA movies is absent from this movie. Not to mention that the story is much different than the first two.
Plot: Some hi-tech crooks hide a microchip inside of a remote-controlled toy car. During their time in the airport, their luggage gets switched with the luggage of the crotchety middle-aged woman that lives next door to the Pruitt family. The crooks realize that their luggage has been swapped with the old woman and finds out where she lives. On arrival they meet up with the snotty scamp Alex who realizes something is wrong with them and plans to thwart them while his mother is away.
Opinion: After reading the plot, you already know that this has nothing to do with the MCcallister family. That is the least of its problems. What was fresh in the first two HA movies is now mundane. Every gag is the same: people get bonked upside the head with things and fall down. Alex D. Linz is about as bland as tofu. As a matter of fact, the whole cast is about as bland as tofu. The wisecracking parrot has more personality than these cardboard cutouts in this movie. The crooks made Harry and Marv look like geniuses. Did I forget to mention that this movie is lethally dull? Plus this movie is missing what made the first two great: Heart. This movie is emotionally distant like Marla Singer(Helena Bonham Carter's character in Fight Club). Nothing about this movie is redeemable. It's all routine. You've seen it all before done better. Home Alone 3 and 4 are classic examples of "milking the cow". If you love this "movie" you love these: BABY GENIUSES, SUPERBABIES: BABY GENIUSES 2, LOOK WHO'S TALKING NOW, ARE WE DONE YET, HONEY WE SHRUNK OURSELVES and PROBLEM CHILD 2."
bobobob1232 | Great Neck, NY United States | 01/18/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Home Alone 1 was a very good movie. It was very original and it had many funny parts. Home Alone 2 was just as good, maybe even better, since it was the same actors and everything. However this Home Alone, Home Alone 3, is utterly disgusting. Its very upsetting to see a movie that has nothing at all to do with the first two movies have the same name and make the movies a trilogy. This movie and the other two movies are opposites, and they should not have let them call this movie "Home Alone 3." This Home Alone has truly tarnished the Home Alone name, and should never have been released. The plot was horrible, and it was a horrible imitation of the first Home Alone. Please do not waste your time buying this movie or even seeing it, since its a waste of 2 hours of your life. I regret seeing this movie, and this movie should be banned in America. The Home Alone name will never be the same, and that is very sad."
Home Alone 3... The idea continues!
Robert D. Shull | Fairfield, OH | 02/06/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"OK, the plot is getting a little old. Bad guys enter into the live of a kid, who deals with them in a crazy and funny manner, that sends the criminals to prison crying. The idea of this movie is anything but old! When international spys mix up packages, the beginning of the end is signaled. Not from police or FBI, but from the most feared law enforcement of all, a child. Watch as young Alex (like his predecessor in the previous two episodes) deals with criminals in a style only a child could concoct. This is a hillarious movie, that you won't want to miss. If you liked the first two Home Alones, you'll love this one!"
Well, at least this film had the right Idea.
N. HAGAN | Lynchburg. VA USA | 06/15/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This one is good, but not as good as the first two. I wish that the staring people in this were brought back for the fourth one. This movie had the right Ide because Macaulay Culkin was too old to play Kevin anymore, so they moved on to a different story. Recomended.
P.S. Stay away from the fourth."
Not AS good as the last two
crazylil_partygurl | USA | 11/11/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Its a great home alone, but I miss the boy who will always be the classic Kevin, Mucullay Culkin. But Alex D Lindz does it pretty good too. I love to watch this movie! This one though, is a lot different from the normal home alone story lines where Kevin has been lost or forgotten in someplace. Now Kevin is home sick with the Chicken Pox and must save his street from two burglars, (who have also been replaced by different actors)And Kevins trickery really isnt as classic and planned out bright minded and everything like the last two. But I guess its a good movie anyhow, though I do recomend the other two over this one."