Great idea, poor production...
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Boy, I had high hopes for this one, but I was disappointed. If you're looking for something new on the Batmobile, Monkeemobile, the Roth cars, etc. look elsewhere. Very little time is spent on the individual cars themselves, and what is shown is tired TV/Movie/trailer footage you've seen a million times. The only really unique footage was a vintage 10 second clip of the Munsters Koach next to George Barris' garage. The Batmobile is quickly shown in newly shot, dark and uninteresting video clips, its front end sticking out of Barris' Hollywood shop. I would like to have seen Barris walk around the car, explaining why various gadgets were added, or about the creation and checkered history of the car. A very short film clip, apparently from a Ford promo film about the Lincoln Futura (the car the Batmobile was built from) is neat but all too quick. Why do we need to see the trailer from the 1966 BATMAN movie? All in all, this production is more about the overall history of the love affair between Hollywood and the automobile than the "Hollywood Hot Rods" that the name and box cover art imply. "Hollywood Loves Cars" would have been a better title. The hot rod's creators, Barris, Peterson, Jeffries, Roth, etc. are here, but their appearances are short and they don't have much new to say. We quickly see the Outlaw, but what about Roth's other cars? Or his Rat Fink character? This was barely mentioned. In addition, Adam West's narration is even more stiff and awkward than his acting. If you're a fan of these Hollywood cars, you will feel a bit cheated. Tape this one off of cable instead of buying it."