This movie is a complete atrocity
EvilolivE | Earth | 10/10/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"After enduring the first 30 minutes of this movie (and the seemingly endless intro that you couldn't skip past that was so disturbingly stupid, it almost made me ill), I decided I just couldn't take any more and I proceeded to gouge my eyes out in the hopes that the pain from blinding myself would make me forget this abomination of a "movie". Okay, so didn't actually gouge my eyes out, but the urge was definitely there. In the alternative, I ejected the DVD from my player, and proceeded to break it into small pieces before throwing it in the garbage. I then pulled the paper cover out of the DVD case, and burned it, thereby erasing all evidence of the existence of this movie from my home. Now, I'm a horror movie fanatic, and I have seen some pretty awful movies before (and own many of them), but this movie has the distinction of being THE ONLY ONE I have ever hated so much that I have actually thrown it away. The portrayal of "Goths" in this movie are insulting. It was embarrassing and actually made me want to dye my hair blond, throw out my entire wardrobe, and start wearing Tommy Hilfiger and Gap. I mean, I always expect Goths to be portrayed unrealistically and cheesy, (it seems it's just a given with Hollywood movies) but this was just absolutely unbelievable. I have never, in my 15 years in the scene, known anyone like this. Because of this movie, I have now started a boycott of any movie put out by Brain Damage Films. I will also forbid any child I may bear in the future from purchasing or watching anything from Brain Damage. I am insanely upset knowing that by purchasing this movie, I have supported Brain Damage and the people responsible for this movie. Everyone involved with this atrocity should be punished, and should never, ever be permitted to have anything to do with the film industry again. I feel like I deserve some sort of punishment for allowing my money to support this movie and the people responsible for it. I will take the shame of purchasing and watching this disgrace of a movie to my grave."