Their off-camera battles made headlines all over the world! Two gigantic egos, clashing on the set of one gigantic film! They were Ruth Elizabeth Davis and Lucille Fay LeSueur - much better known as Bette Davis and Joan Cr... more »awford. Davis was the tempestuous queen of Warner Brothers in the 1930s, while Crawford led the parade of thirties glamour gals at MGM. In the forties, they were both under contract to Warner Brothers, but they only worked together once professionally - as bitter rival sisters in the memorable 1962 thriller "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?" The tales of their real-life rivalry on the set are legendary. The clash of their powerful personalities threatened to shut down the film. Here is their amazing story, told thru rare film clips, photos, and newsreels. As a special bonus, this DVD contains two fascinating documentaries, Hollywood Remembers Bette Davis and Hollywood Remembers Joan Crawford, Featuring memorable scenes from some of their greatest films.« less
"I remember reading Shaun Considine's "The Divine Feud" when it was first published many years ago and although much of it was speculation, (I.E., Joan Crawfords same sex crush on Davis; Davis' affair with Franchot Tone), The Mutual dislike these two ladies had for each other was quite an open secret. In fact, the two often took shots at one another in interviews given late in their careers. The "War" heated up after they had filmed "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" together, and Mr. Considine's book was peppered with factual reports of their mutual antics during the making of the film and their aborted follow up "Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte" in which they were scheduled to co-star again. (Crawford withdrew and was replaced by Olivia DeHavilland). I was hoping that maybe we would see some outtakes from these two films. There is nothing here but a collection of film clips from their films presented in no particular order and often at odds with the dull narration. There is nothing here you have not seen and don't already know about. The narrator hedges the producers' bets by stating periodically that there was a "rumored" feud between the two stars. That is all you will hear about the rivalry on this disc! The transfer quality is abysmally poor. It's the worst I've seen in years from films that have already been remastered. Passport should be ashamed of themselves for issuing such a low quality product. Twenty years ago I thought that "The Divine Feud" would make a good movie of the week for TV providing it could be properly cast. Now, I'm afraid too much time has gone by. I don't think any studio would bother with it as younger audiences hardly know who these ladies were. Maybe Stephen Sondhiem will turn the book into a Broadway Musical. I nominate Bernadette Peters for Bette and Patti Lupone for the role of Joan. If I could, I would give this DVD 1/4 Stars (for the Box). You can throw the DVD in the trash."
I should have listened
D. Califf | Memphis, TN | 07/23/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I should have believed the other reviewers. Being a die hard fan of both actresses, I thought, "how could this be bad". This was 50 minutes of absolutely NOTHING. It was cheaply put together. I learned nothing from it. What a waste of money! If I could have given it zero stars I would have."
Mitchell | 07/22/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Not informative,Not interesting,It's not even good enough to be called Sleazy.Absolute JUNK!Certainly not a documentary."
You get what you pay for...
Samara | USA | 09/04/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD documentary got me excited when I first became aware of its impending release. Priced at under $10 I wasn't turned off by the unfavorable reviews because I figured it's worth the gamble. Well, it wasn't. The first ten minutes told me I had wasted my money. Had I not been such a fan of Crawford I would have probably turned it off before the end. I stuck it out but it's certainly a bitter disappointment."
BETTE and JOAN deserve so much better!
Ryan Cottrell | Tennessee | 09/12/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD has poor picture and sound quality. The information is not always correct nor does the narrator give any sources for the quotes attributed to Bette and Joan.
The worst part of this DVD is the narrator. He is obviously an amateur and narrates the story as if he is reading from the yellow pages.
He makes idiotic statement like "Olivia replaced Joan in Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte and that really uped the old lady quotient."
This is one of the dumbest, but there are plenty more where that came from.
I suggest you save your money and your time and skip this puerile DVD.
This DVD is so stupid you will actually feel your IQ going down as you watch it."