Solid sci-fi horror thriller with Elisabeth Shue, Kevin Bacon, Josh Brolin and others shining. A must watch!
Jorge S. (jorgito2001) from WESLEY CHAPEL, FL Reviewed on 6/3/2011...
Saw the theatrical cut more then my share of times which has been a guilty pleasure of mine for years. Finally got around to seeing the "Director's Cut"...a few minutes of added scenes, mostly dialogue, but anyone who is familiar with director Paul Verhoeven's previous films, the guy is a bit of a perv (lol), so the implied rape from the theatrical version is longer (though its still pretty tame compared to, say, the rape in Showgirls), plus the film is a bit BLOODIER, other then that, the SFX are top notch and Kevin Bacon does fantastic as a guy you love to hate! Special Features on this disc are also plentiful, plenty of SFX shot comparisons as well as a lengthy "making of", make for a worthy DVD to add to your collection!
Movie Reviews
Don't buy this thing
Dr. Christopher Coleman | HONG KONG | 11/07/2000
(1 out of 5 stars)
"So the special effects were pretty good. Who cares? Go hang out in a morgue or sit in on an anatomy class and see the real thing. The plot of this sad effort is moronic--why any of the characters do what they do is inexplicable, and why they don't use their heads and *think* about what to do is ONLY because the writers and director didn't CARE enough to come up with a plot. I mean, seriously, you are smart enough to be working on a top secret research project with major government funds, but when your boss turns into an invisible homicidal maniac, it doesn't occur to you to always wear the special glasses which allow you to see him? This kind of inanity pervades the movie. And why this bothered me so much, I'm not quite sure--but when they make a latex mask for Kevin Bacon, they don't bother to cut holes in it for his nostrils! If you've ever worn a diving mask, you'd know how humid and uncomfortable that would be within seconds. In fact, I've had my face cast, and they put straws in my nose so that I could BREATHE DURING THE PROCEDURE! So there were holes in the mask from the very beginning. It's this carelessness that drives me to distraction--if you are going to put millions of dollars into a film, why not really THINK about it, instead of insulting our intelligence? Believe me, it is not worth missing 112 minutes of your life, and whatever this costs you financially, to see the few minutes of special effects that are the only redeeming quality to this film. Go buy a Fangoria instead--hey, then you can look at the effects in detail. Or get to that anatomy class."
I feel dumber for watching this movie
cthoms | 11/06/2000
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Ok, so I went out on a limb. I actually took time out of my life to pay money at a theatre and watch this movie.Oops.Yeah, like many other people will say, the movie does have dazzling special effects. Unfortunately, the acting is worse than terrible. It just downright sucks.Also... Hello? Plot? Are you in there? I didn't think so.I know what you all are thinking. And I know, it was my choice to go and see it. But, that doesn't mean that those that haven't should suffer too.Heed my warning! If you haven't seen this movie, you are already one step ahead of the rest of us. Don't stoop down to our level. Move forward in life and onto other, better movies."
If only the movie itself was invisible
cthoms | West Chatham, MA | 03/19/2001
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This movie not only had an invisible man, but it also had some invisible plot connections. I'll just use the end of the movie as an example. Okay, so somehow hot scientist chick(Elisabeth Shue), is hot enough so that her hotness can counteract -40 degree temperatures. In these conditions she manages to create an electromagnet to escape her certain doom. Somehow in these ridiculously cold environment she is able to open the door with her electromagnet. So following that issue flesh wound scientist man(Josh Brolin) is able to recover from being stabbed with an oversized crow bar and frozen for five minutes to eventually whack the invisible Kevin Bacon with the very same crowbar. Then Kevin Bacon turns into skeletal muscle man after another attack with the infamous crowbar is thwarted.After this hot scientist chick and flesh wound scientist man run to the elevator shaft in an attempt to escape their inevitable fate in the exploding lab. As they climb to the top, somehow the flying elevator of doom manages to zoom past them, propelled by the explosion in the laboratory below. Then as the elevator falls victim to that pesky force of gravity, it somehow stops just above their heads. Shortly after this skeletal muscle Bacon has not only managed to survive an attack with the infamous crowbar, the giant lab explosion, and the flying elevator of doom, but in doing so has managed to climb undetected onto the back of hot scientist chick, who seduces him with a last kiss before she sends him plummeting down the elevator shaft into the exploding lab. Then as she falls into the arms of flesh wound scientist man, he exclaims, "Oh my god!" To which she replies, "Not anymore." Based on the whole premise that Kevin Bacon is God. Which might offer some sort of explanation of that six degree thing, but really offers no explanation of this ridiculous movie."
What a total waste of film
Zac Helman | 01/28/2001
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This flick started out promising, but quickly spiraled downward, transforming into a predictable load of trash. Amazing special effects couldn't save this movie from a bad plot and a horrible ending."
Could've been better
Zac Helman | australia | 12/17/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This director's cut pretty much contains all of the deleted scenes from the previous edition with only a few other scenes added in.
They could've included the two commentaries from the other dvd.
I would've liked to see some more new footage as opposed to seeing the old deleted scenes."