Samuel K. (Solvanda)
Reviewed on 11/19/2018...
Douglas Adams taught me how to make a creamed cup of black tea the proper way. I had been making it wrong my entire life up to that point and had no idea. Same thing when I first encountered the Hitchhiker's Guide. Thought I'd been reading great scifi, but alas. Douglas' total output wasn't very prolific. All of it is, however, the best of the best. He would struggle for days and hours in the writing process to condense things down to precise tidbits which hit nails on the head consecutively, and shone with warmth and wit. This series is much better than the movie, and closer to the book. Though not as flashy as the movie, of course.
BTW...the cow (dish of the day) which invites itself to be eaten at the restaurant was played by Peter Davison (the fifth Doctor Who.) Having played a vet on All Creatures Great and Small, it was thought having the actor donned in this capacity might provide more than a little amusement. Davison's then wife plays Trillian in this series too. And their offspring, Georgia Moffett married David Tennant (the tenth Doctor Who.)
There was a sixth book written posthumously by Eoin Colfer titled: "And Another Thing". He emulates Adam's style of humor well, and it is worth perusing. Audio dramas of the books are also available from the Beeb. I've been through a few so far. These might possibly be better than this TV miniseries, and even closer to the books.
Some great quotes from Hitchhiker's Guide:
"Would you like me to stick my head in a bucket of water?"
"Rubbish. We don't want to be happy. We want to be famous."
"A bunch of mindless jerks who'll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes."
"Should we put paper bags over our heads or something?"
"I have a million ideas, they all point to certain death."
"Shee. You guys are so unhip it's a wonder your bums don't fall off."
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."
"Mr. President, we're here for your protection." "Oh! Hey! Thanks man! I appreciate it!" "Fire!"
"May I urge you Sir to consider my liver? It must be very rich and tender by now. I have been force feeding myself for months."
"The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don’t."