If you buy one DVD on Civil Rights buy this one!
David Nox | Mississippi USA | 02/17/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I could not believe how good this 2 disc DVD set is.
I will keep it forever and watch it over and over again.
The DVD mixes historical film with modern interviews of the people who lived through the civil rights struggle. Blacks and whites. For and against.
One of the most moving parts for me was to watch Billy Roy Pitts, former Klansman, discuss how he was ordered to assist in the murder of Vernon Dahmer in 1966. Why? Vernon was a civil rights and NAACP leader in Mississippi. Vernon was helping people to register to vote by allowing them to register in his store. Billy Roy Pitts tells his story. He turned on the Klan and testified against them. He also tells how the Dahmer family visited him in prison, forgave him for killing Vernon Dahmer and asked the Governor to pardon him. He tells how at that time he thought he was doing the right thing. That interview was worth the price of the DVD alone. To see Vernon Dahmer's widow interviewed. To learn that his 4 sons were away serving in the military at the time their father was being murdered. To decide as a family they would forgive the man that killed their husband and father.
I was born in 1964 in New York so I missed so much, and so much of this history isn't taught in schools. There is so much more on these 2 disks.