"If you are into Historical movies, this one is for you.
The use of Atomic bombs on civilian cities and the changes they create in wars are devestating.
This 3 hours TV series is pretty similar to HBO's "Band of brothers" as far as acting, and telling the story, not to forget the great true war footage used through out, making it a definite must own to any person who is into this genre of movies or wants to know how all the decisions were taken during that hard period on both sides of the war.
Definitely highly recommended. "Hiroshima".
Hiroshima- eerily real portrayal
Nicholas Walters | Houston, TX USA | 09/29/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This 1995 TV miniseries was a good one, that got too little fanfare on Showtime, but it's worth owning on DVD. Most of the actors are not well known big names, but chosen because they resemble and act like President Harry Truman, Winston Churchill, Stalin, Hirohito, and the other US, British and Japanese military and political figures of the day. It's fullscreen, but that's fine since it was fullscreen when it premiered. Don't expect a massive battle scene or action, but the dialogue, footage, and interviews with actual living participants are worth the price of this DVD. This could be a staple for any World War II history class, or any professor teaching on US, Asian, or military history. Hiroshima is unflinching in its portrayal of the good, the bad, and the torn on both sides of the final days of World War II."
Mac the Knife | Raleigh, NC | 10/16/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
""Hiroshima" is a fascinating, factual portrayal of the events surrounding the conclusion of World War II. The inter-mixing of documentary and historically accurate drama was exceptionally well done, and it is obvious that the producers of this project took great lengths to not only be historically accurate, but to be as unbiased and neutral as possible."
Excellent history
Robert J. Scheppy | Zhu Hai, China | 05/03/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Is this a joint Canadian-Japanese production? The film kept me interested for 180 minutes. Historically, it seems very accurate."
As powerful as any movie or documentary ever created
Jason | Backwater, Alabama | 02/18/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Hiroshima is part documentary and part film, blended seamlessly to create one of the most amazing pieces in cinema history. This is not even debatable.
Aside from the historical significance, and the countless lessons learned from WWII and the A-bobm, this movie takes a personal approach not usually seen or discussed. There are realistic accounts of the time and difficulties during the war, as well as actual interviews from not only American soldiers, but also survivors from Hiroshima. Argue or debate the usage of either bomb, but the tales of those involved lend an awe-inspiring insight that demands attention and respect. One particular tale of an American soldier who had been hit by an explosion of some sort was very powerful. He held his own guts in his hands, and eventually was carried away on a stretcher. Moments later, when another weary soldier was searching for a place to rest, and the wounded soldier's guts were in lying beside him, the interviewee told of someone literally sitting on his stomach. The man's innards were outside of his body, being sit upon, and he merely told the other soldier to move them aside if rest was needed.
Perhaps what impressed me most about the movie is the production value. The grainy footage from decades ago merges with actual movie footage so well that at times, the difference between the two is indiscernable. It's very easy to become immersed in the story, and forget that some participants are actors.