Works by Johann Strauss (Waltzes and Polkas as well as excerpts from The Gypsy Baron ) Werner Hollweg (Tenor), Helen Donath (Soprano), Erich Leinsdorf, Vienna Symphony OrchestraVolume 4 of the Springtime in Vienna serie... more »s is exclusively dedicated to Johann Strauss, the waltz king. His works are performed by an outstanding cast: conductor Erich Leinsdorf (1912 1993), a native Austrian, who spent most of this life in the United States, returned to his home country for this recording and took over guidance of the cast. Standing by his side are famous soloists: soprano Helen Donath and tenor Werner Hollweg an established participant of the Springtime in Vienna concert series. The repertoire is divided into two parts, starting with a very mixed program. Here, polkas, waltzes and the overture from the operetta Waldmeister can be heard. Helen Donath performs the vocal versions of the waltz Voices of Spring and the waltz The Queen s Lace Handkerchief (Also entitled Rosen aus dem Süden ). Treasure Waltz , the march and the famous duet One day we were young . Finally, Erich Leinsdorf announces the encore to the great pleasure of the audience: it is the Emperor Waltz .« less