The last incredible chapter of the thrilling action-adventure series, HIGHLANDER: THE FINAL DIMENSION finds the immortal Connor MacLeod (Christopher Lambert -- HIGHLANDER 1&2, FORTRESS) destined for a decisive battle w... more »ith his ruthless eternal enemy, Kane (Mario Van Peebles -- GUNMEN, POSSE, NEW JACK CITY). Pursued across time by his arch rival, MacLeod must make a heroic last stand if he is to rid the earth of the seemingly unstoppable Kane! Packed with intense action and astonishing special effects -- the Highlander's greatest challenge will become your ultimate adventure!« less
Carmel Macpherson | Evatt, ACT Australia | 12/20/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Fans of Highlander will not be disappointed in this DVD. Here we have the two MacLeods, Duncan and Connor together, sharing so many aspects of their long lives with us. We watch, in superbly done flashbacks, their early years together, the humor, intense and passionate love, loyalty, passion, ethical conundrums, betrayal and tragedy. There is something for everyone - even humour, amidst the heart-breaking angst. And the music is to die for. It is particularly pleasing to see another incredible MacLeod woman - Connor's Mother.I found myself laughing and crying at various times throughout the movie. There is no doubt that fans who have a deep knowledge of the Series will particularly enjoy this DVD. But even new viewers will not be disappointed. This DVD will incorporate a number of scenes from the Workprint and this will flesh out the too short movie release. It is a must for those who have not been able to find another TV show or movie with the high production values, fascinating story concept, rounded characters, history, outstanding musical accompaniment, set design. clothes quality, sword and martial arts skill, tragedy, humor, farce, ethics, full-blooded eroticism, strong female and male characters - in short, Highlander: EndGamecontinues to deliver.As an actor, Adrian Paul has always had a way of bringing out the best in those around him. This certainly seems to be the case here, with Christophe Lambert turning in an outstanding performance as Connor - a man wracked with guilt and pain. Some of the most intense moments in the film are scenes where Connor says little, but his expression says it all and we feel our hearts breaking. His love for his bonny Heather is one of the great love stories and spans centuries. His recounting of how he once saw his Heather, cutting her hair in order to preserve a part of her for Connor that would never age was heart-wrenching. It is the film's ability to keep posing these types of questions that delights. What *would* it be like to have a gorgeous lover who never ages - who cannot die...and who loves you so intensely that he promises to watching you age and wither, to care for you and to love you until his own dying day?Lisa Babuscia is another real find for me. Her story was so tragic - so wasteful. Indeed, there is so much that speaks of wasted opportunities, immature judgments that come back to haunt and to ultimately kill.Adrian himself turns in an outstanding performance as the ravaged and distraught Duncan. His continuing ability to work through the pain and the constant tragedy that surrounds him continues to inspire. Duncan's message is one of eternal hope for something better, that evil must be fought no matter the cost, and it is one that he never deviates from. There are a number of scenes in particular where his performance is excellent - in particular, the rooftop scene with Connor, and a harrowing scene with Kate.Whilst there was a little too much in the way of gore for my taste, I always enjoy a good sword fight and outstanding martial arts - and yes, the martial arts sequence with Donnie Yen, I am reliably informed,is shown at actual speed! It is no technical trick - it really was that fast. Again, full credit to Adrian and Donnie - and F. Braun Ashe who admits that he knew enough to simply get out of the way of these two and let them choreograph and do what they do so well.'There can be only one!" New viewers and long time fans will not be disappointed with this welcome addition to the Highlander universe. We have followed the journey of Duncan MacLeod for over six years - this film offers further insights into how painful that continuing journey is, for Duncan himself and those who love him and those who aspire to capture his spirit and his soul."
Nowhere near a good film, but most average sequel yet
Tom Benton | North Springfield, VT USA | 02/19/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Some fans will strike me for this, others will clap me on the shoulder, but in my opinion, HIGHLANDER III: THE SORCERER is the only trustworthy, even average sequel to HIGHLANDER. Let's face it - HIGHLANDER II can't even be considered a sequel, while HIGHLANDER: ENDGAME was a complete waste of potential.Released in the U.S. as HIGHLANDER: THE FINAL DIMENSION, H3 has immortal Connor MacLeod (Christopher Lambert, back and better than ever) realizing that he didn't win The Prize, and that some immortals still remain: one of whom is evil sorcerer Kane (Mario Van Peebles). After Kane is freed from a 400-year slumber, he journeys to New York City seeking the Highlander. There MacLeod must do battle again. The game may have changed, but the rule remains the same: in the end, there can be only one.First of all, let me say that while it's nowhere near a good movie, HIGHLANDER III is very entertaining and actually quite fun to watch. It's almost even a remake of the first film. Everything we want to know is explained (including why we have HIGHLANDER sequels!), and ... *sigh* Deborah Unger is included ...Surprisingly, the film was also the only HIGHLANDER movie to get a PG-13! (The director's cut, however, is back to an R for a couple of sex scenes)HIGHLANDER III also bears the most resemblance to HIGHLANDER: THE SERIES, which was, at the time, being filmed. It also features Loreena McKennit's "Bonny Portmore", one of the most beautiful songs ever written, which was featured in H:TS and later in HIGHLANDER: ENDGAME.For every 1 good review of this film there are 10 bad ones. I think you'll just have to rent it yourself (Director's Cut, only) and see what you think. I thought it was the only reliable HIGHLANDER sequel yet.The rule still remains: there can be only one. And so far, it applies to the sequels as well."
What should have been Highlander 2.
Lincoln 6 Echo | Harrisburg, IL USA | 04/03/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
""Highlander - The Final Dimension" (aka Highlander 3) for all practical purposes should have been the direct follow-up to the original 1986 movie. It practically followed right after the first left off with a relentless New York cop in pursuit of "Russel Nash" (aka Connor MacLeod). In Highlander 3, Connor is also being pursued by a group of ancient [immortal] Mongal warriors led by Mario van Peebles. His band of merry warriors is taken down one by one by our hero Connor, well except one in which Mario dispatches himself for failure. But of course, the van Peebles character kidnaps Connor's son to use as bait for the final showdown.
For 1994, the special effects in this movie were pretty good. However, there's never really been a good DVD release of this movie. The OOP version was non-anamorphic with just 2.0 sound. There's another version coming out on 4.5.05 with no specs listed, let's hope that this is a brand new disc.
Now this leads me to the eye-rolling, hilarious review by ty7777 below. When ty7777 gives the disc a 1-star review because it's in widescreen instead of FOOLSCREEN. But then I guess some people are just too ignorant and ill-informed to enjoy film as an art form."
Endgame or New Beginning ?
Armando M. Mesa | Chandler, AZ | 03/03/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Endgame has really taken a beating by critics and reviewers alike for everything from Higlander-immortal story/origin/legend inconsistencies to the lack of the dvd version maintaining same integral story elements faithful to the theatrical release (different ending, etc.). I don't care about such technical and trivial things when the acting and action for this type of film goes beyond my expectations. Adrian Paul has come along way with his skill,craft, and talent for the martial arts and swordsmanship. He's not the same actor when first introduced through the syndicated and now defunct Highlander t.v. series almost 10 years ago.The Duncan character is not the same either. Both are more mature and the incredible knowledge Paul brings to the screen in his expertise in the martial arts is not just entertaining but exciting. He exemplifies true showmanship. Lambert's not so shabby himself as Connor despite his character's weary and tired disposition on the whole immortal take. Actress Lisa Barbuscia adds that sexy feminine smoldering touch as Faith/Kate and serves as a counterpoint to all the macho adrenaline characters and semi-brutal fight sequences. You could say she's the pearl in the rough sea.Her serious and intelligent demeanor add the strength that was lacking with previous Highlander female characters in both the t.v. series and theatrical releases. She's intelligence,strength, and beauty all in one neat package...The only problem was the all-too-simplistic plot or main story which is practically no different than what we were used to seeing on the t.v series;How to get rid of an evil pesky immortal pest who's as arrogant as he is deadly !And there's always one immortal who's more evil and potent than the other (the there's-always-a-bigger-fish theory).Also, there is much symbolism in the film dealing with religion and power. The three silver crosses embedded into the back heel of the evil Kell's shoes to me signified that Kell in the middle cross thought of himself as an all powerful God-like undeafeatable figure while the crosses on each side of the middle one signified Connor and Duncan as nothing more than powerless opponents. It's the cinematic and scenic historical flashbacks, the introduction of Connor's mother, and other minor subplots or unexpected story elements of surprise that also save the film...In the end, there can only be one decent ending (or two, if you've seen both theatrical and dvd versions like me)..."
A perfect end to the Highlander saga
David | Montgomery, AL USA | 10/05/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Now, I've read all the negative reviews and such, and I must say that if you are just looking for a good movie where you don't have to think much just enjoy or are looking forward to a good end to the Highlander Series, then this is a terrific movie. I am a fan of the first and third movies and the series, and as all Highlander fans know there are 3 seperate Highlander universes; Movie universe, Series universe, and Highlander 2 universe. The latter is total crap, but in the movie universe Connor MacLeod is the One, end of story. This latest installment takes place in the Series universe, of which Duncan is main man. Not only do the fight scenes kick a## but the story is interesting and the acting by Lambert and Paul is superb. They work so well together and really bring the relationship between the two MacLeods to life. Especially when the two Highlanders must come to there last resort against Jacob Kell. The movie universe ended years ago with Connor MacLeod winning the Prize. However, the series universe has continued and now is at its end, and it is a great ending for the series continuity. True, non-fans will be lost, but why would they wanna see it anyway? Forget all the stuff about it not being coherent or plot-less, bottom line is that its an entertaining movie and as perfect an ending to the series as I could think of. A great flick."