A modern day Bonnie and Clyde - with a twist - that follows two lovers down a path of destruction, mayhem, and murder as they live in a world where it is acceptable to take whatever they want with murderous consequences.
"At first I didn't think I was going to like this film but it drew me in and I really liked it. It's odd, a little disturbing and the ending is not exactly clear to me but overall I thought it was good. Rachel Miner was not very good in it, her accent was awful! However, Christian Kane was unbelievably good and was able to make up where she was lacking. If you don't mind the violence and appreciate something a little different then this is a must see."
Repellent Characters Doom Interesting Twist
The JuRK | Our Vast, Cultural Desert | 10/01/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I'm not sure I understand Hollywood's obsession with tattooed, foul-mouthed White Trash scumbags. Or is this just how the latte-slurping, hip California wealthy execs see the rest of America? I'm not sure.
But plenty of criminal posturing and redneck grunting is on display in HIDE, along with disturbing unexplained shots of torture and mutilation that will leave you turning your head and then scratching your head until the very end.
I think I know what happens. But I don't want to spoil anything for anyone so I may put my interpretation in the Comments section. So, if you click on my Comments (unless you're making one), you'll find the SPOILER about the ending. Or at least what I think it was.
Otherwise, I really hated all of these characters. I don't blame the actors. They were actually very good, although I was a little thrown by Rachel Miner's accent. Good or bad, I couldn't tell...but I do know that I hated her character. [...] No actress is hot enough to overcome what an annoying, obnoxious presence this skank can be.
It was also impossible to be sympathetic for the male lead. Christian Kane, right? He does a good job...but he's playing a sociopathic, a hateful bully.
I actually thought the ending was interesting but you really have to pay attention to it. It's a real JACOB'S LADDER kind of jump to make but the characters are so shallow and revolting that you don't care about them. Even if the viewer made the jump to its logic, you're left with: so what, they're worthless.
So, as much as I'd like to give points for its imaginative ending, I still couldn't justify watching these horrible people for everything leading up to it.
The cast tries hard. The movie doesn't."
Hide the fact that you own a copy
Man down in aisle 4 | 07/06/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Hide is not entertaining. I bought it because I like Christian Kane and that's the only reason it earned a star. Granted the two actors in the movie had a lot of dialogue to memorize, but this was like 2 people talking to each other throughout the whole movie, I thought there was going to be action. Five minutes before it ended it actually decided to add a plot to it and quite frankly the surprise ending made me think, 'WHO CARES?" and "I'm glad it's over"."
Hate Horror, Love Kane
T. L. Matthews | Austin, TX | 04/22/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I became a fan of Christian Kane's through watching the series 'Leverage'. I can't stand Horror movies, but I tentatively gave this a try just because he's in it. Being from Texas and knowing lots of people who have strong Southern accents (as well as lots of uneducated 'hicks'), I did find that both actors (Kane and Minor) overdid it. (Minor more than Kane.) Both actors had a tendency to slur their words and talk in the back of their throats, as though uneducated people can't even speak properly. However, despite that, I was very impressed with Kane's performance. Despite the violence and the constant cursing, he did an excellent job of portraying a real, complete character - a man who started out as a sociopath and, after seven years in prison, comes to regret the life he led. Or so it seems.
If you're looking for action, this is not the movie for you. 'Hide' is a lot of talking, a lot of introspection, and a lot of thinking and soul-searching. And it's not about what you think it's about. But Kane does an excellent job of making the character 3-dimensional and not merely a caricature as so easily could have happened. (I'm reminded of Vin Diesel's work in 'Pitch Black' where he took what could have been a mere villian and made the character complex and fascinating.) Kane took long speeches and made them interesting. I found myself nodding as I followed the character's thought processes and actually believing that someone would think that way. Not agreeing with him, you understand. Just believing in the character.
The movie is confusing and you have to pay attention to figure out what's actually going on as there are is a lot of jumping around in time. There are flashbacks and flash forwards and the entire film is very oddly put together. But it works, somehow, and the interesting twist at the end not only saved the movie, but it turned it into something other than a mere slasher/horror film. Now that I know what the movie was actually about, I find I want to go back and watch it again. Once you understand what's happening (and the ending is a very "OMG, that's what it's about!" experience; think 'Revolver' or 'Fight Club'), then everything falls into place and you feel you can go back and ignore the violence and just pay attention to the character.
If you like to watch someone really work a character, if you enjoy a well-drawn character who is despicable but fascinating, if you enjoy a movie that will suck you in even as it repulses you, if you enjoy having to think about your entertainment, and if you can get past the violence and the cursing, then this is actually a pretty good movie and I recommend giving it a try. I give the overall movie 3 stars because I don't like horror and violence, but I give the plot surprise 4 stars. I give Kane's performance 5 stars. He really surprised and impressed me and I look forward to seeing more of his work. Hopefully in a less bloody and violent movie, though."
Really not too bad for a trashy road movie
Ecce Nihil | Klemzig, South Australia Australia | 12/08/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I'm with M. Biggs, I found this movie grabs your interest and one of the rare straight to DVD/TV movies that I enjoyed. There's an interesting dimension to the main character in the way he fights against his own violence. It's a good scene where he revisits his childhood and the memory of it breaks his resolve to be good, and the imagery of him receding into the dark to prepare us for the last scenes is nicely done. I'll also give my interpretation of the ending as a comment."