Hiccups is the story of Millie Upton (Nancy Robertson), a children's book author who is wildly successful, internationally popular, and just a little bit nuts. Millie's success in writing for children is perhaps due in par... more »t to her being about as emotionally evolved as a six-year old. Happy as a pig in a puddle one second, then yelling at a cop the next, Millie's emotional "hiccups" get her into never-ending situations. In an effort to get a handle on things, she impulsively enlists the aid of a life coach - Stan Dirko (Brent Butt) - to help set her straight. Unfortunately, Stan has no real training and even less experience. Still, he's got a big heart and a head full of ideas, and that's enough for Millie. It's the blind leading the blind through an adventurous, emotional mine field, with the best of intentions, high expectations, and very little success.