About - Alef Bet trainer is an indispensable tool for learning Hebrew letters, vowels, and proper pronunciation. It is fully interactive and easily captures and maintains your childs interest. Alef Bet Trainer teaches your... more » child in an easy to follow step by step process of letter identification including distinctions in different but similar and often confused letters. After the letters are drilled the program moves on to Vowel identification and Pronunciation. The last step is the combination of letters, vowels and pronunciation. The program winds up with your child well on the way to easy Hebrew reading. Alef Bet Trainer gives your child an excellent grounding and foundation in Hebrew reading which will last for a lifetime. Today teachers have identified poor reading skills as the main reason children encounter difficulty at learning, and the problem only becomes worse as the child grows. Alef bet Trainer is the answer to better reading and better grades. Give your child the chance to be the best he can be! Features - Its Time to Learn Alef BetTeaches: Hebrew letter recognition... Hebrew Vowels... Hebrew Pronunciation... Includes: 12 Easy steps to Hebrew Reading... Teachers Training Mode... Customized settings... On line help... Interactive games... and much more... Choice of Five Accents!« less
Rabbi Yonassan Gershom | Minnesota, USA | 11/28/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is a re-issue of a 9-hour mini-series that first aired in the 1980s, and was recently (Nov-Dec. 2001) aired again on PBS. Each segment is 1 hour long, making it a useful tool in history classes covering many different periods. Since the "history of civilization" textbooks rarely mention what the Jews were doing in the 1900-year period between the rise of Christianity and the Nazi Holocaust, this series plays an important role in helping to make the curriculum more inclusive. Plus, The DVD version has a lot of additional resource materials not in the original PBS series.Regarding classroom appropriateness in public schools, this is a documentary, not a "religion" series. Yes, the series does talk about religion in some places, but it's called "Civilization and the Jews" for a reason. To be Jewish is not just a "religion," it is also a culture, with its own art, music, literature, etc. The approach is a mix of history, theology, archaeology, art, architecture, etc. that is intended to inform, not preach. The series clearly shows how Jews have contributed to the various civilizations where they lived, and how, in turn, the Jews benefitted from interaction with many of the different cultures where the Jewish communities were located. Yes, it also covers the pesecutions of the Jews, but it's well-balanced with positive experiences and events. Highly recommended!"
Heritage - Civilization and the Jews DVD
Janice L. Haney | Clifton Park, NY United States | 02/07/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"WOW! This is an incredible set to have. The DVD is a reprint from a PBS special in 1984 (Peabody winner, at that). Abba Eban is an incredible, captivating speaker. My only problem is that there is so much information, I can only watch about two hours at a time. This is a must have whether you are Jewish or not. The series pulls together world history unlike any class I took in college. The addition of the DVD-Rom with tons of maps, historical documents, and video clips is awesome. It has answered most of the questions I had, and let me view a moving graphical history by sliding the scroll bar. Super buy for a history buff!"
Jerry Sanchez | New York | 03/14/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This nine-part documentary is not only a history of the Jews, it's a history of the western world! Hundreds of thousands of dollars were probably spent in the production of this series. Abba Eban takes the viewer all over the world to examine one of the world's most gifted and intriguing people - the Jews. These tapes will not put you to sleep. The music and images allows the viewer to relive Jewish history. And consequently, come to understand the world we live in today much better. I know the tapes are pricey, but own this documentary if you ever have the chance. You'll never regret it."
Ruslan Moskalenko | Pleasanton, CA United States | 04/28/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It takes 9 hours to watch a complete set and it worths it. It interesting that my 6 years old daughter was watching some parts with me and we both enjoyed. There are a lot of reasons to watch the program. First, it gives a good overview of the western civilization from sumerians. Second, the quality of the material is superb. You'll see a lot of beautiful places around the globe. Third, you'll learn about the jews.
Some things are quite surpising. The program is focused on dates, places and events. It tells you what happened and where but not much about why. Also it doesn't tell much jewish religion or traditions. If you want to know about jewish holidays, what kosher is etc, you'll need to look for other sources.
Overall, it's a great history program!
An illuminating survey
Shalom Freedman | Jerusalem,Israel | 05/28/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Abba Eban was not only the most accomplished and articulate of all Israeli diplomats, he was also a person of immense learning and intelligence. Had he wished he could have taken a different road in life and become like his close friend, Bernard Lewis, a great scholar. Instead he made a certain sacrifice and devoted his life to the cause of helping the Jewish state come into being and survive.
This nine- part series is not concentrated on Israel but rather is a survey of Jewish civilization. Eban tries to show us how Jews interacted with the surrounding world, both learning and giving to the larger native socieities. From Babylon and Egypt to the Western Civlization of the present day Eban relates a story of a small people's long journey and meetings with others.
This is an illuminating survey and will give anyone who wishes to know more about Jewish life and history a real opportunity to do so."