Dragged through a time warp by a strange machine, Shu is thrust into a hellish future as it explodes into war! Surrounded by fierce warriors enslaved innocents, and enigmatic wanderers, Shu faces the ultimate challenge of ... more »survival in a world gone mad!« less
Wonderful ... leaves you with heartbreaking fondness
Dressi | Gainesville, Ga United States | 06/18/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It's a wonderful film, high in its characterizations and interactions. Here's the lowdown on the film as far as genre, content and art style.Genre: Drama/Sci-Fi. It is more a drama than a Science Fiction, though it contains elements of Sci-fi, unexplainable technology and distant future/alternate dimenional settings. It is mainly a drama pitted together in a horrible situation.Artstyle: Realistic, similar to the Gundam Series, Princess Mononoke, Vampire Hunter D. Lacks the common anime features: exaggerated facial expressions (blown up eyes, river size tear trails), exaggerated bodily features (larger than life breasts, muscles where muscles just aren't).Violence: High level. Bloody corpse, blood. Brutality, cruel behavior. It suggests rape twice and shows an attempt at rape. There is no needless violence, every notion of violence has an emotional and psychological impact on the characters. The rape scenes follow in the same pattern. This is a tasteful film which paces its violent scenes in full context with the story and the development of the characters and their situation. Not suggested for young children.Setting: In foreign land/world/time (described as the distant future by many sources). Postapocolyptic, during a great war. World is under an extreme drought, water is very valuable (this is a main issue in the film but does not superscede the situations of the characters.Themes: Finding ones place in life; Doing what is expected Versus Doing what is right; Survival; The value of Life.Jist: I don't know what it is with the Japanese and Guys with sticks helping a helpless girl (ICO for example). You have a guy saving a girl. From the beginning until the end this is what it is mainly about, though involving many other characters.I find the most important element of this film to be its characters. They are so diverse in their own way; there aren't a hundred different characters but each comes from a setting, sometimes similar with others, but they all have completely different situations. A lot of the situations start from one main point: being forced into another way of living. The way they deal with it and their exact way of living is different. Shu's situation is the main focus, as is obvious from the beginning of the film. After becomming invovled with Lala-ru he is determined to help her. She is probably the most influencial character, every character is effected by her either directly or indirectly. But Shu is the only one that is intent upon saving her, some even hate her. You'll find a lot of mystery surrounding her; her name is known apparently world wide and many rumors and speculations are going around about her no one really quite knows why she is so important to the King, excpet the King (obviously) and his closest and most loyal servant Abelia.If you are an Anime fan then this should be at least viewed if not in your library. All three are wonderfully set with 13 episodes that don't let up or fill between. It's kinda like a 13 part OVA. I would highly recommend this for fans of Princess Mononoke, Vampire Hunter D/bloodlust. Young audiences may not be suitable for the violent/graphic/realistic nature of some themes and instances and these instances and themes may not even interest young audiences to begin with. It is a movie about emotions, and they can be heavy at times. I quickly added this to my library, give it a rent in the least. There are many more amazing things i could say about this film, but i'd probably give it all away (it doens't have any Sixth Sense style surprises though).Everyone i know of that has seen it has loved it. It'd adorable and powerful. And they all loved Abelia just as much as they loved Sara"
It is Art, but it hurts...
Wayne Rossi | Mount Holly, NJ United States | 04/12/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Now and Then, Here and There, from the very first episode, struck me as being one of the most beautiful anime series I'd ever seen. The art and direction are spectacular and make the darkness of the world all the more haunting, the nicer parts even more refreshing. The characters are complex and extraordinarily intriguing and you feel pity for them when they suffer - and in many cases, suffer they do - and joy when they get moments of happiness. And the storyline keeps one riveted from end to end. From the interrupted tranquility of the first episode to the gentle hope of the last, N&T,H&T is one of the finest anime works in my collection.That said, it is brutal. The main villains are among the most contemptible individuals portrayed in this kind of medium, and their bloodthirsty will for power literally angered me when I was watching the show. There is severe brutality inflicted upon the unfortunate children of the world of Hellywood. Beatings, in one case a rape, the like. It can get depressing, severely so, and should probably be watched in a group for that reason - but it does deserve to be seen. Perhaps it's not really "enjoyable," but that's not the sole purpose of an animated series. If you can get through the difficulties, there are things that are really beautiful about this show. They're more than worth it."
Experience this one....
R. Preisinger | Seattle, WA | 10/26/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"WOW, this whole series took me completely by surprised. I was not at all ready to be bombarded with so much violence and sadness. The first set of episodes practically ruined my night; and I could not get over it (hard to believe that a "cartoon" can effect you so much).
The next night, I rented the rest of the series-glad I did. The whole story is just awesome. Even though the hardships and issues the children are facing are horrendous, it really gives you a picture of how children really suffer in a world without law.
Each character in this series is just amazing. You really feel for every one of them, from the evil Hamdo to the little boy, Boo. Each situation and background really hits home.
Shu's pureness and good heart really touched me. Kabuca's (don't know if I spelled that right) horrible situation where he is forced to murder innocent people just broke my heart. Every character was portrayed and drawn magnficantly. The story is very well written.
This anime is for someone who is looking to be challenged mentally and emotionally. Be prepared to see terrible images of little children suffering and people being faced with brutal predicaments. Yet, to some people this is real life. I believe it is good to know that bad things do happen, however a strong, determined heart like the main character Shu can change one world's terrible dilemma.
Highly recommend to anyone who enjoys all aspects of anime and also to those who love to experience an astounding drama."
An excellent series that is very brutal and depressing
Leong Siong Hee | Malaysia | 06/04/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you are expecting a mecha series based on the cover illustrations, you are going to be badly disappointed. If you are hankering for a serious and compelling anime series that will challenge you, "Now and Then, Here and There" (NTHT) is a very fine example. This series is a match with "Grave of the Fireflies" in its depressing story.Briefly, this series covers the exploits of a 15 year old boy, Matsutani Shuzo or Shu, as he is pulled into the distant future when he attempts to rescue a girl, Lala-Ru, from a mechanized extraction force. In this distant future, Shu experiences some really tough ordeals as he continues his attempts to rescue the girl and return home. What Shu experiences is no match for what an American girl, Sara, who has been abducted from the same present that Shu exists and whom he meets, goes through in this series.Through the course of NTHT, issues like child soldiers, torture, rape and its effects, the micro aspects of war, and even conservation are dealt with. No matter how tasteful some of these issues have been tackled in the series, the impact is no less brutal. You WILL flinch at some of the brutal stuff depicted in the series. Some scenes are absolutely gut wrenching.NTHT has 13 episodes and none of them are fillers. Each episode follows on from the previous episode with no recaps. The pacing is very good with no significant let up in the story flow. From the first five episodes in the first disc, NTHT builds up the brutal and depressing world in a very unrelenting manner. The second and third discs then advances the series like an unstoppable train towards its cathartic ending. Watching all 13 episodes in a marathon session is not recommended unless you want to be emotionally drained at the end.This is not an easy series to watch but you will be greatly rewarded when you finish it. For serious anime buffs, this series comes very highly recommended.The box set is attractively priced and includes an additional disc filled with extras."
Almost wish I'd not watched this series...
Matt Willimas | Virginia, United States | 06/14/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Now wait, don't get the title wrong...I ENJOYED watching this series but it REALLY depressed me. It was probably some of the best anime I'd seen in a long time...nothing since Trigun or Cowboy Bebop has moved me quite so much. Heck, those are almost tame compared to this one (although Bebop and Trigun are still killer). I hardly ever have felt such anger, indignance, sadness or depression over a set of characters and a story. Only at times does Here And Now even have a moment you could deem 'heart-warming' and I think I laughed maybe once in the first ep. when Shu rammed his head into a pipe accidently. That's about it.After meeting a mystical girl named La La Ru (nice name...ick), a goody-goody boy named Shu is transported into the hellish future of Earth. He is taken captive into the cruel empire of the tyrannical and totally nutty King Hamdo. There Shu faces a whole other plane of reality...one of utter cruelty and depravity. A place where kids are brought up as cannon fodder for King Hamdo's noble war effort to take over Earth. A place where they are taught to kill, follow orders to the T, and die for King Hamdo if necessary...A place where most females are seen as sex objects or only useful to bear more children for future soldiers (that incensed me the most).Our main hero, Shu, is like a younger Vash the stampede...he hates killing and violence, his motto is "Things will get better...as long as we're alive, good things will happen". As chumpy as he may come across, he's the only ray of light in this series and the only beacon of hope for those he comes into contact with (Nabuco, Sara, Boo, etc.). He stays his optomistic self to the very end, despite the fact that he gets the brunt end of so much brutality (I just kept marveling at his strength every time he'd get beaten.) He's also somewhat unbelievable yet an amazingly good hero. He strives to rescue La La-Rue from Hamdo's grasp and puts up one of heck of fight to keep her away from the king because she plays a very important part as you will find out. So many different other characters with such distinct personalities, you won't forget them. There's the childish and mad King Hamdo whom you will utterly deplore yet he will also amuse you from time to time by his kooky antics. His cold, unflinching right hand woman Abelia, who for some reason puts up with him. Nabuca and Boo, two soldiers who have been brainwashed for so long into killing for Hamdo but are changed after meeting Shu. The kind Sis of Zari Bars and her loving family. And probably the character that breaks my heart the most, Sara, an earth girl taken from Shu's time as well. Her
plight depressed me the most...What can I say? I watched this series attentively...seldom did it ever get boring. In fact, I'm the kinda person who gets sucked into something if its good and really lets it get to me. That's what happened with Now and Here...and that tells me its a good anime. I recommend it whole-heartedly, but be warned it will most likely put you in a funk...I know it did me. Oh yeah, this ain't for kids...it shocked me at every turn (I'm 21).I just bought the VHS tapes separately, but instead of reviewing all three apart, I thought I'd do them together because I think its a cohesive story on a whole. Anime forever!"