Man, Hank, the Trans-Siberian Express story is getting OLD!
epsteinsmutha | At the bottom of Juan Epstein's excuse note | 08/30/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, you have a choice between recent Rollins DVDs. Either way, you're gonna lose.
An unhealthy chunk of this, as well as the Live in NYC DVD, are taken up with Rollins' account of his time spent on the Trans-Siberian Express, a bit that's really not all that funny, and drags on more than his stories about his infected hand and almost stoning a fisherman to death Down Under (where this DVD finds him). At least here though, you don't have to deal with the labored discussion of de-scenting spray from the NYC disc.
The earnest, intense rooftop commentaries seem kind of out of place as well.
That's not to say there's not some great stuff here. Bush bashing is always a joy with Hank. His musings on getting older are also a laugh. I really loved his "You really want my money son? MUG ME!" story. It's just that this, like Live at Luna Park (but for different reasons), could have been so much better.