The Return of the LUKE & JAN(YAN)
Rhonda Sue Mitchell | 05/14/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is the second LE edition of the hellsing OVA.Although the last one was off the entire volume 1 manga this one doesn't quiet copy the entire second volume of the manga(Although they make up for it in the third episode wich extends to the beging of the fourth manga.This episode last 46 minutes (43 not counting credits) and revolves around the attack on the integra's mansion by luke and jan.Packed fool of action and extra scenes not inculded in the manga this is even more bloodier than the first,but it feels like their could have been more added especially at the end wich leaves you wanting more.To anyone who loves hellsing or just those that like blood, action, and vampires this is a great buy and the limited edition version should be the choice you pick.Enjoy the bloodfiest of HELLSING.
- 16x9 Anamophic Widescreen
- 5.1 DTS English Audio
- 5.1 Dolby Digital English Audio
- 5.1 Dolby Digital Japanese Audio
- English Subtitles
- Audio Commentary
- Staff Interview Featuring A Round-Table Discussion With ADR Director Taliesin Jaffe And Voice Actors Patrick Seitz (Luke Valentine) and Josh Phillips (Jan Valentine)
- Trailers
- and many more features!
- SteelBook (TM) case
- Extra Feature Disc
- A 200-Page Production Art Collection Book With Exclusive, Never-Before-Released Artwork"
Sheer awesomeness
trashcanman | Hanford, CA United States | 03/19/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"After all the waiting, "Hellsing Ultimate" is finally here. Sure, it's just a retread of the events of the original anime series so far, but it's a retread that surpasses the original in so many ways. This is the second volume and it starts with a peek into that king-of-vampire-cool Alucard's nightmares. What is it that makes the lord of the undead wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the day? The moment of his defeat, of course; when he was bound in servitude to the Hellsing family so long ago. Policewoman-turned-vampire Ceres Victoria is still adjusting to her undead status and has a humorous exchange with Hellsing's servant, Walter, over her reluctance to sleep in a coffin. Hellsing's heiress, Integra, is presiding over a Round Table Conference to discuss the source of the recent increase in unusual vampire activity, and that is where we find our heroes at the start of this episode. After these tiny, but juicy bits of character development it's wall-to-wall action for a good thirty minutes. After busting through Hellsing's front gate with a bus full of ghouls, two vampires wage an all-out assault on the organization in an attempt to crush it once and for all while the leaders are convened in the conference. The younger brother, the profane and buffoonish Yan, leads an army of heavily armed ghouls upstairs, devouring the security force as they go. The site of Yan sitting on a pile of corpses absently using a dismembered hand to scratch his own crotch is almost as amusing as his penchant for speaking to Hellsing's surveillance cameras -with his middle finger extended for posterity, of course- while he spouts obscene threats and toys with a soldier's decapitated head. Charming guy, that Yan. Meanwhile the older brother, Luke heads to the basement to face his greatest hero/adversary, Alucard himself. On the way he is ambushed by a troupe of Hellsing soldiers and let's just say that the result is one of the coolest slaughters I've ever seen. Luke's super speed is portrayed in a manner that should absolutely thrill anybody who is a fan of this art form. I can't even describe it in words, just believe me when I say you don't want to miss this sequence. The topper is when he becomes annoyed as he notices a tiny drop of blood has stained his cuff as he walks past the insane amount of gore he just created. Absolute genius. Hellsing's response to the decimation of their entire security force is to send Ceres with her shiny new bazooka and Walter, their former "Angel of Death", to meet Yan and the advancing zombie horde while Alucard, bored, awaits his showdown with Luke. Every scene in this episode is packed with all of the things any fan of horror, animation, action, or take-no-prisoners entertainment in general will flip over. This chapter, like the first, is filled with incredible shots and memorable sequences that are ground-breaking in spite of the fact that they have all been done before in the television series. There is little or no exposition, so Hellsing virgins may want to check out that older series (or at least the first volume of "Hellsing Ultimate") before they dive into this one so that they don't get lost as far as what's happening storywise. Not that it really matters; the main story in this volume is a whole mess'a booty-kicking awesomeness. As always, Alucard delivers the highlight of the show, refusing to even leave his chair until well into his battle with Luke Valentine; and even then he doesn't bother dodging the attacks. When the big guy finally decides to get serious with the little whelp.... well, let's just say the result is so hardcore that even the supremely cocky elder Valentine brother is reduced to a pathetic quivering mass of doggie droppings. I damn near jumped out of my chair and cheered. Also of note are Walter's displays of ninja razorwire technique and Ceres' decimation of a zombie phalanx prior to her bloodlust going out of control again as she rips into her former comrades, now ghouls themselves. SO FREAKIN' COOOOOL!!! Okay, okay, I've raved enough, here's the verdict: even if you've seen the original show, this remake is more than worth your time. It improves on the original in every possible way without altering established continuity, looks absolutely amazing, has many memorable lines that will bring a smile to your face, and pretty much sets the standard for R-rated entertainment, animated or otherwise. Don't miss it."
Can't wait until the next one comes out
666 | Hell | 05/22/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is how Hellsing was meant to be! The original series were good, but in my opinion, subpar compared to its manga. The art wasn't all that inspiring (considering how amazingly drawn the manga was), and I thought the action was a bit on the slow side. But now... be amazed, because these OVA breaths new life (no pun intended) into the series.
First and foremost, the art follows the original work by Mr. Kouta Hirano. Never seen the manga you said? Well, it's very good! It's like Joe Mad (don't tell me you don't know who that is) on acid. And far as the action and the pace is concerned, it's much more dramatic and whole lot quicker; since it's fitting in about 3 episodes worth of material in this 45 minutes program. Fear not however, it's done in a fashion that's quite smooth, nothing felt rushed.
So, if you like vampires, violence, gore, blood, evil laughs, a bit of comedy, and English accents (Although Alucard speaks American), then you should give these OVAs a try."
Not really worth the cash
Todd Hall | Kenosha, WI USA | 06/24/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Though I love Hellsing I found that the Limited Edition of OVA 2 is not really worth the money. The extra DVD is probably the stupidest thing ever, its just the main guy from the English voice team or whatever and than the people who do the voices of Jan and Luke. They just laugh the whole time about nothing and its extremely boring. It made me lose respect for them. The art book is great though, its something a true Hellsing fan would appreciate. So OVA 2 is great, but I would suggest getting the regular edition. Unless your a diehard fan."