Out of the Frying Pan
Marc Ruby? | Warren, MI USA | 11/28/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"For some reason, I got it into my head that there were only there volumes to this series. So my trip from episode 7 to 9 got a bit bumpier than I expected when I kept wondering how all the issues were going to resolve. Suffice it to say, they don't resolve, and your trusty reviewer was left frantically searching the Internet for a clue. It turns out that there are four DVDs in the series. The last, 'Eternal Damnation,' is due out in January, 2003.Even had I known that the end was not yet in sight, these episodes are more than usually strange. The last DVD finished with the nearly total immolation of the Royal Order of Religious Knights by the vampiric Valentine Brothers. Episode 7 ('Duel') opens at the funeral of the 135 members of the order who died. Taking advantage of Integra Hellsing's weakness, the Vatican anti-vampire organization (Iscariot) makes a direct move against her, sending the insane Alexander Anderson after Arucard and Seles Victoria.In the next episode ('Kill House') we are treated to an explosive raid on a Hong Kong chip factory which makes the freak chips that turn people into low-grade vampires. But, suddenly the action slows down when a British agent takes Victoria to meet with Helena an old, London vampire in the body of a child (ala 'Interview with a Vampire'). Helena refuses to cooperate and just wants to be left alone. Eventually this episode will prove important to the plot, but on face value it is a bit confusing.If Episode 8 is confusing, then the last episode ('Red Rose Vertigo') is leaves the viewer feeling somewhat obtuse. The action begins at Ireland's Movan Castle where we first watch a man changed into a vampire by flesh-boring freak chips. This dissolves into a battle at the castle where Arucard meets Incognito, a powerful vampire who might be the head of the Freak conspiracy. But the confrontation is a ruse designed to distract Arucard from a devilish attack on Integra.While production values continue to be high, the artwork stylish, and the plot full of little twists and originalities, all pretense of character development is abandoned, which gives the action a little too much stiffness. But it is still an excellent 'blow them up or bite them' series. My one serious regret is that the writer overdid the final cliff hanger leaving the watcher spending more time wondering how the characters ever got to that point instead of how they will get themselves out of it."
Less Action, More Plot
madnessmark | Maple Grove, MN | 11/17/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Up to this point, Hellsing has just been all about hardcore action and violence. However, these episodes move away from the mood of the last couple of episodes.Order 07 (A): Alucard runs has a great duel with Paladin Alexander. Nuff said.
Order 08 (B-): Victoria learns more about vampires and the chips.
Order 09 (B): Integra becomes attacked by a vampire and Alucard meets a new enemy with a huge gun.However, if you only love Hellsing for the action, the first episode alone is worth the price. Alexander and Alucard really go at it in this episode twice as much as their first fight. Those who want some questions answered on Hellsing will enjoy the last two episodes, more or less. Thats not to say that their isn't any action in the last two episode. The last episode has Walter fights Victoria, Alucard fights Incognito and Integra fights a vampire (well, tries to).The extras are pretty scarce this time. We've got a second textless ending, which is the one featuring Alucard's new gun, as well as some conceptual art and some Japanese art covers (piled on top of each other).Overall, these episodes have a mixed mood. I can't really say they are like the last two volumes, but they are essential to this series."