Loaded with nearly 3 hours of bonus material, this 3 disc set comes in a custom made Hellraiser Puzzle Box that slides open to reveal the discs. Disc 1 Hellraiser, Disc 2 Hellbound: Hellraiser II; Disc 3 Hellraiser Blu Ray... more ».
2009 Reaper Award Winner - Best In Show and Best Packaging« less
"No, this hasn't been released yet, but the contents are now well-known. And no, I don't get it, as the previous reviewer noted.
With DVD sales being what they are and the same companies trying to sell you the same thing all over again (hello, Blu Ray), this is a strange box set and most likely not worth it to you.
The 'newest' thing here is the Hellraiser Blu Ray, which will also be made available on its own. Otherwise...you get the cool box. And we've been waiting for a Hellraiser box set that looked like the Lament Configuration, but this isn't it. It's only the first two films, and it's the 20th anniversary edition of each...both of which have already been available.
Basically, if you haven't purchased the first two films in 10 years, since the tin box from earlier this decade had very nice versions of both with pretty much all of the extras you'd need, then this might be a good pickup. (The Hellbound: Hellraiser 2 20th Anniversary disc does have a number of new extras not previously seen, while the original only adds a few non-essential interviews). Otherwise, as has been noted, pick up the Hellraiser Blu Ray if that's what you need, and wait for a ultimage mega-box of all of the films, if they can ever sort out the rights, the format, the versions, and the extras."
Finally we get what we've been asking for? Of course not!
Derek S. Bland | Flint, MI, USA | 02/22/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"First of all, to those asking "why isn't this the complete collection?" I wish we could have gotten that, but Anchor Bay only has distribution rights for the first 2 films. The rest are in the hands of Dimension Films.
Now to trash a set that I've been wanting for a long time...
Ever since the UK got their version of Hellraiser 1, 2 & 3 in the Lament Cube, fans in the states have been clamoring for a release. Unfortunately special packaging is rarely released in the US because of complaints of shelf compatibility from both retailers and customers. Some of us, though, find unique ways to display these wonderful rarely-seen gems, and quickly grab them up.
I won't be doing that with this ridiculous set, though. It seems that Anchor Bay has said "OK, here's the packaging you want, but you have to take the total crap that's inside!" Seriously, why do I need the same copy of Hellraiser 1 that I just bought about a year and a half ago? Wouldn't it have been better to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the film with the Lament Cube packaging along with the new material? And why do I need 2 copies of the first movie? Completely ridiculous. If I don't have a Blu-Ray player, the 3rd disc is useless to me. If I do have one, the regular copy of the first movie is useless to me. No matter what, the consumer is being forced to pay for something they absolutely do not need, even if they own none of the items in the package.
This release is a total dud, and I can't give it any more than 1 star due to the complete thoughtlessness on the part of Starz / Anchor Bay."
the truth | Windy City | 05/03/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I thought I was getting much more from this dvd set. I paid $40 but now you can get it new for about $33. thats a lot better but still not all that boxset. It's big and only comes with 3 dvds. If you want the Blueray that maybe its a good deal but if not, don't touch it. I thought it would slide in different parts to reveal the dvds, it just opens up to two parts with the dvds in the middle "not that cool." I would buy the special hellraiser dvds that just came out and look for a puzzle box online if you really want a hellraiser puzzlebox. I found some puzzle boxes a lot more detailed than this big flop."
Deimos | Alberta | 05/13/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Very super cool dvd set. Although I think this puzzle box should have had all the Hellraiser films within to make it complete, having the first two (and best) films of the series is still great. Lots of extras, and a great housing. I am very impressed. I hope one day they give is a full Hellraiser series puzzle box or dvd set."
A gift for my inner nerd.
B. Grannon | FPO, AP, US | 05/19/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This was definiately an Impulse buy. I could have got the movies seperately for cheaper, but i have always wanted a puzzle box in one form or another and then I seen this.
It came well protected in its retail packaging, but the box leaves something to be desired. Made of a cheap lightweight plastic it is noticably lighter than it looks. It gives off the impression that you can rotate the halves of the boxes and in essence "play" with the box, but that is not the case, as the halves only fit together in one way. When put together, the fingers of the box halves have nothing to be supported against at the tip and will flex inward.
The movie quality is as others described it, and makes for an enjoyable experience.
In all i'm still happy with the purchase, although I'll probably put the discs into a binder and add some weights to the box and glue it shut, to use as a paperweight of sorts."